Self-healing begins with your head, that may generate energy to perform the task of healing. Self-healing is energy healing.
In line with the laws of physics, there is energy in everything, and everything gives you invisible energy, including sunlight, the moon, and the human body. As a matter of fact, everything is some kind of energy, which is either positive or negative. For example, your thinking, too, involves energy, without which the mind cannot function. If you "think" you are able to heal yourself, your mind sends out positive energy to your body for self-healing. Mental Health
In accordance with Chinese medicine, your body comprises energy, and, therefore, your body will respond positively or negatively to other energies within and also around you in the living world. Put simply, everything within you and around you is all inter-connected through energy.
Energy healing began in China a lot more than 5,000 years ago. During those times, some soldiers who received minor wounds inflicted on their health soon found that their physical pains and ailments had miraculously disappeared, and that resulted in the discovery of energy healing. The ancient Chinese physicians began to trust that there clearly was an energy system in the body, within which there clearly was energy communication between different cells and organs. For centuries, the Chinese have believed that "qi" (the internal life energy) is accountable for transmitting energy information within the body. Accordingly, the smooth flow or stagnation of "qi" accounts for health or sickness.
Your daily life is a trip through which you make many selections - some great ones and also some ones -- that build your wellbeing or the illnesses which are part of one's experiences in this lifetime. Life has a purpose with a distinctive destiny for each individual. Therefore, it's important that you know yourself, and self-healing is "knowing the self" as a part of your destiny. Sometimes and somewhere across the journey of life, you could hit rock bottom and start to despair. You could even ask the frequently-asked question: "Why me?" But that could be a time of self-awakening for you. You could start to question how you could have found yourself for the reason that difficult and despondent situation. True self-awakening will make you take a different path -- a detour from that journey you've been prodding along.Taking an alternative path creates the energy for healing.
Your self-awakening could be physical, like a change of diet or taking up a fitness regimen. Your self-wakening could be emotional or spiritual, such as for instance self-awakening to the power of love. For example, through the self-healing power of meditation, maybe you are awakened to a fresh awareness of reality, a fresh consciousness of who you truly are and what your priorities in life are. Self-awakening may provide you with the intention to heal, precipitating in changes which will ultimately heal not merely your body but in addition the mind. Your very intention to heal is healing energy for your body and the mind.
Knowing yourself, you will empower yourself with knowledge to heal yourself, and that empowerment generates energy healing. Knowing yourself, you can make more right choices, than wrong ones, regarding your health. In making those choices, you are creating energy healing to create about self-healing.
Unfortunately, most of us place the responsibility of healing on our doctors. We readily relinquish our personal responsibility to know ourselves to create about self-healing. As a result, we remain sick and unhealed. Dr. Felix Marti-Ibanez, M.D., hit the nail on the top when he wrote: "Only by knowing the healthy man can we cure him..... To become a doctor, then, means a great deal more than to dispense pills or even to patch up torn flesh and shattered mind." What Dr. Marti-Ibanez meant was that you might want to know yourself to be able to be healed, because nobody knows your wellbeing better than yourself. Only you yourself can create that energy healing.
Self-healing begins with knowing yourself through self-awakening. Knowing yourself will empower you with knowledge for self-healing. Ab muscles procedure for empowerment generates Mental Health.
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