How to get printer offline fix-printers

Year 2022, HP offers widest range of laser printers, inkjets printers, all-in-one printers and more, which are not only brilliance par performance but are also budget-friendly.

For every user, who desires to buy any of latest HP printers, there are some important aspects that are to be considered and these aspects are: -

  1. With growing digitalization in modern offices and homes, HP provides its users with wide range of hi-tech laser and inkjet printers. Thus, its imperative to understand and differentiate between these two types of printers. Fundamentally speaking, ink printers’ drops ink droplets onto the paper while laser printer spreads powder ink through an electric discharge. The major difference between these two types of printers are its build quality, functions, mode of working and pricing point. As far as pricing is concerned, Inkjet printers are moderately budget friendly but are comparably low in quality than laser printers. For longer usage, if inkjet users print in bulk volume then laser printers prove to be more cost-effective and also a better choice than inkjet printers. Hence, before making any buying decision of buying HP printer, users should understand their printing needs and requirements.


  1. For encouraging and swifter printing results, users are recommended to prefer HP printers which allows both wi-fi and Bluetooth connectivity as they are user-friendly. On contrary, conventional HP printers offers wired connections, which are rationally dependable option for users.


  1. The big business organizations desire and chooses to buy HP “All-in-One” range of printers as they offer bulk volumes of printing and provides wide range of multi-functional operations, which enhances business workflow. These wide range of HP “All-in-One” printers provides adequate print, scan and copy features.







Steps to Change HP printer from Offline to Online status


Despite all efforts, if users are consistently receiving message of HP Printer Offline, then this can be maddening and exasperating for them. It does not imply that your HP printer is either defective or fatigued out but is not properly communicating with the device sending the print job. Regrettably speaking, an HP offline printer will not be able to receive new print jobs and so will not be able to process them. Hence, it’s very important to resolve the infuriating “offline” issues to enhance workflow. Consequently, users are advised to follow the troubleshooting guide to fix these offline issues. Therefore, users are supposed to save their work so that they can effortlessly print their tasks and projects later, when offline issues are appropriately fixed.


The major reasons for HP Printer Offline are as following: -

  1. Outdated drivers
  2. Connection issues
  3. A Settings error


Conceptually speaking, every above-mentioned reason will have a different resolution process and so it’s important to discuss them at large to get back online for upcoming printing jobs.

The below-mentioned set of instruction will be addressing wide range of issues which are related to HP Printer Offline. Hence, it’s highly advised for users to follow these instructions stepwise to fix the issues.


Option 1 - Run HP Print and Scan Doctor

  1. First of all, users are recommended to use the HP Print and Scan Doctor application for identifying and solving errors. The users can find this special version, designed to resolve offline issues by clicking link
  2. Now, users are supposed to open the application called HPPSdr.exe by clicking it from the download location and then allowing it to run. Next, users should be in administrator mode to perform this action.
  3. If users are prompted, then they are advised to choose Yesto trust the file source as it comes directly from the HP tech support team.
  4. Next, users are supposed to click Startand then choose their printer
  5. If your printer is unlisted, then users should restart their printer, and then click Retryin the Print and Scan Doctor application.
  6. This application will efficiently identify probable connection issues. Next, users are advised to follow the prompts properly and then click Yes,if asked to turn on printer updates
  7. Finally, users are supposed to continue through the prompts and then click Yesif they are asked to make this printer the default printer

If these above-mentioned instructions prove to be helpful to users then their printer status will automatically change from “offline” to “online”. If it doesn’t change the status from “offline” to “online”, then do continue with next section.

Option 2 - Set the default printer

The users are highly advised to designate their default printer preference. Next, they should follow these set of steps for resolving this issue for Windows 10. Before initiating these steps, users should make sure that they have downloaded and installed all of the updates for the Windows 10 operating system.






For Windows 10 users


  1. First of all, users are recommended to use the search box or ask Cortana to open Devices
  2. Now, they should select Printers & scanners
  3. Do make sure that the box next to “Let Windows manage my default printer”is unchecked. Next, they are supposed to click the box to unselect it, if necessary
  4. Thereafter, users should choose their printer from the list provided
  5. If your printer is listed numerous times, then users should appropriately select the version that is showing an idle or online status
  6. Now, do click Manage
  7. Finally, do click Set as default


For Windows 8 users


Firstly, users are highly advised to select their printer from the devices shown. If there is more than one version to select, then users are supposed to choose the version which is not aged out. Now, they should right-click and then select “Set as default printer.”

Thereafter, users are recommended to try printing again. In case, if device is still exhibiting an offline status, then do move on to the next section.



Options 3 - Confirm your printer port and Windows services status


The next major step in resolving offline printer issues is to check whether your printer is using a WSD port.

  1. For analysing this aspect, users are supposed to search Windows or ask Cortana for Control Panel and then click “View devices and printers”
  2. Now, they should right-click their printer and then select Printer Properties
  3. Next, do click the Portstab and then look to see if your printer is using a WSD port

If it is not using a WSD port then users are supposed to follow these steps (but skip this section, if it doesn’t use WSD port)

  1. To begin with, users should search Windows or ask Cortana for Services
  2. Now, do scroll through the list to find Function Discovery Provider Hostand Function Discovery Resource Publication
  3. Next, do check the Statusand Startup type columns
  4. If they are running and the startup type is automatic, then users are advised to go to the next step
  5. If they are exhibiting up blank with a manual startup type, then do right-click the name and select Properties
  6. Now, do change the startup type to automatic
  7. Next, do click Startunder the service status and then click OK
  8. Thereafter, do go back to the Device and Printers window and then press F5
  9. Finally, users are advised to click their printer name and then check the status.


After performing these steps, if status of your printer, changes from HP Printer offline to online, then issue of HP printer offline is satisfactorily resolved. On contrary, if it still shows “offline” then users should print a network configuration report. It can be done effortlessly through the Settings or Wireless menu for your printer.

Next, users are recommended to follow below-mentioned steps.


  1. First of all, users should right-click on their printer name, and then choose Printer Properties, and click the Ports tab.
  2. Now, do select Add Port
  3. Next, do select Standard TCP/IP Portand then click New Port
  4. Thereafter, users are supposed to use the network configuration report they have ran previously to add a new port -a hostname is preferred
  5. Next, users should go back to the Devices and Printers window and then press F5
  6. Finally, users should appropriately check their printer status by clicking it

Now, if status of your printer changes from HP Printer offline to online, then offline issue is resolved. In case, if it still displays “offline”, then do move on to the next section.



Option 4 - Check your connection


Nonetheless, how your HP printer is connected to your device, there are still several reasons for your HP printer of showing an offline status. If users prefer to use a USB cord to connect, then they should make sure that it is safe and sound in place. If offline issue still continues then do prefer using a different USB cord.


If users prefer to use a wireless network in connecting to HP printer, then they should follow below-mentioned steps: -

  1. First of all, users are supposed to restart their printer by turning it off. Now, do wait for around 10 seconds, and then disconnect the power cord from your HP printer.
  2. Now, do turn off your computer
  3. Next, do connect the printer power cord to the printer and then turn the printer back on
  4. Thereafter, do disconnect the power cord from your wireless router
  5. Next, do wait for around 10 seconds, before reconnecting it
  6. It will take around 5 to 10 minutes for your internet to come back on
  7. Whenever, it connects back, then do power on your computer
  8. Now, users are advised to use the HP wireless setup wizard or the HP Smart software, and then connect their printer to their network
  9. Next, they are recommended to print a wireless report to view and then analyze what type of connectivity issues still exists.
  10. Lastly, users can find this report in the Network settings or the Wireless menu of their printer.


In case, if the problem of offline status still continues, then it becomes a responsibility for your network administrator or router manufacturer to resolve it properly. The connection issues can be complicated enough to be identified beyond these steps and therefore it's better to consult HP technical professionals, if offline problem continues for long.


Do try printing from another device

If offline issues persist because of printer errors, a device specified malfunctioned connection then users are advised to try printing from a different device (mobile phone or laptop). Subsequently, users are advised to connect to another computer and see, if this issue is resolved appropriately. If it becomes possible to print from another device then printer is not problem for offline issues for your HP printer.  


hp printer offline / hp printer offline fix / epson printer offline fix / epson printer offline / printer offline fix / printer offline



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