Father has begun fighting for sport in exchange for the milky fuel

In Raised By Wolves Season 2, Episode 3, Mother (Amanda Collin) and Father (Abubakar Salim) find themselves distracted by their new creations. After personally leading the hunt against her own child, snake baby Number 7, Mother goes in for the kill only to discover her spawn is actually an herbivore. She brings the child back to the Collective to live in a cave, much to everyone’s skepticism. Elsewhere, Father has begun fighting for sport in exchange for the milky fuel blood needed to bring his own experiment, an ancient android he found broken up in artifact form, to life. Basically, Mother and Father are obsessed with their own creations, leaving them drifting apart and their human children less supervised than usual.

Raised By Wolves Season 2 Episode 3
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Watch Raised By Wolves Season 2 Episode 3
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Lured off the top of the mountain range where it was nesting by its mother in much the same way any other child would, with the promise of treats, it’s now being held in a gated cave near the atheist camp and fed a steady stream of pumpkins. Campion notices that No. 7, which he has yet to learn is his sibling, gets a bit jealous when Mother diverts her attention from her youngest for too long but mostly describes the creature’s disposition as what he’d imagine a dog’s to be like. It cries for attention, moves slowly and sheepishly, and doesn’t seem to be interested in eating people, like anyone with eyes would have initially presumed.

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