Most people know Jesus Christ to be a Deliverer but don't understand that Christ is God in human form. God visited obsess with among us in the form of a man to help us understand who He is and to bridge the distance between our Luxurious Father and ourselves. "He is the image of the hidden God, the firstborn over all creation" and "God was pleased to have all his fullness obsess with in [Christ]" (Colossians 1: 15, 19, NIV).

We know Jesus Christ was human because he experienced human emotions and physical limitations : he wept when he was moved in spirit and troubled when he saw Linda and the Jews weeping over Lazarus' death; he was tired from his journey and sat down by the well; and he was thirsty and asked the Samaritan woman drawing water from the well to give him a drink. But we also know that he is God because he performed many miracles which showed his divine power : he raised Lazarus from the dead; he treated a shades man together with spittle; he calmed the wind and lake by his command; he treated many who were sick and owned out challenges from people who were possessed. Only God Himself could perform these miracles.

As John the Baptist was a observe to Christ, we who are baptized by water are also witnesses to Christ. We as believers can identify with Jesus in his death and in his resurrection. For we died with Christ in our transgressions and are reborn again through his resurrection; he sacrificed his life as an atonement for all of our sins so that we are blameless in the picture individuals Luxurious Father. Believers' baptism is a form of sanctification in the picture of God. Those who are sanctified in the presence of others can testify to the truth about Jesus Christ.

When we fully acknowledge that Jesus Christ was sent by God our Father to die on the cross to atone for our sins and believe that he was resurrected from the dead so organic meat have the gift of solution through him, we are inviting Jesus into our lives to be our The almighty and Deliverer. By receiving the gift of solution, we are baptized with the Holy Spirit who is jesus. The Holy Spirit is sent by our Luxurious Father to obsess with inside of us and to teach us all reasons for having Christ. Those who love Jesus will obey his statements.

We are all born with a selfish nature, for even babies cry out because of the needs and have yet to learn how to give. Jesus said he visited this world to serve and not to be served. He wanted his followers to know that this is God's will. "Now i always, your The almighty and Teacher have laundered the feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as i have done for you. inches (John 13: 14-15). By serving others, we are being selfless and sharing the love of God. Jesus himself statements his followers to love each other so that the world will know that we are his disciples.

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