Cigarettes have now been a much debated issue with many people arguing that though smoking has side-effects yet, the comfort that cigarettes provide in tension can't be matched. While, other people are of the opinion that cigarettes may release tension but their detrimental effects on a person's health are too big to ignore which makes it a product to บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า pod.

Cigarettes actually contain tobacco and other chemicals like nicotine and cyanide. Nobody is unknown to the fact smoking cigarette harms almost every body organ. Yet, many remain in dark about the severity of diseases that cigarette smoking may cause to the smoker.

First and foremost, the nicotine present in cigarettes makes it really addictive. Thus, there is no coming back after you start smoking cigarettes regularly. There were many those who have tried to take part in rehabilitation programs which actually help in quitting smoking yet somehow, many people yet discover the urge to smoke too hard to resist when they start smoking regularly. You have to understand that many people don't start smoking cigarette with a considered carrying it out regularly but instead being an adventure or even to 'just have an experience' ;.Yet, eventually cigarettes develop into a part and parcel of their lives and they never get to realize when smoking cigarettes became a habit. All this is because of the nicotine level that the cigarette contains which urges one to smoke even though you don't want to and creates head-aches and other aching problems throughout the body if you try to stop smoking after having a certain period.

An argument of all of the smokers remain that smoking cigarettes helps them in eradicating tension and also lets them concentrate. Well, to a certain extent tension does get released with a cigarette or two yet somehow, such addictive drugs become a practice rapidly and nearly impossible to give up afterwards thus, it's no point in taking the chance of smoking even just one cigarette.

Cigarettes and tea both help in increasing concentration yet somehow; you've to keep in mind that this is just a short-term effect. After sometime, your brain wants a cigarette each time you start work as the nicotine in cigarette makes your brain do so. Thus, only after getting what it wants, the mind is able to focus on the work hence, it can be termed as 'self-cheating' yourself.

The side-effects are truly hazardous and it's not just the word of mouth that says so. Scientific researches and the health monitoring of smokers both points that smoking can lead with a of the most hazardous diseases in the world. Oral cancer and lung cancer tends hitting smokers around 10 times more compared to the non-smokers. Teeth fall-out is also common in smokers while the smoke-tar firstly affects one's teeth and then the reduced total of saliva as a result of cigarettes causes teeth to fall- บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า pod.

You can find no two ways about it; the consequences of smoking are truly hazardous. You may find a cigarette pretty cool to smoke among friends, you could even find a tension releaser at first yet somehow, cigarette can end up being your biggest enemy after constant use for 3-4 years.

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