How to protect children from online scammers

Sometimes scammers try to get through children not only to money, but also to documents of adults. To get into the child's trust, tried-and-tested schemes are used.

Scammers Create fake pages for online purchases. Hackers love online games as much as kids, but they have their own reasons. In the virtual world, vigilance is weakened, and players may not notice the deception and fall for the tricks of the scammers. For example, the offer “buy profitably” objects for playing on a fake site.
Players are lured in by low prices and “unique promotions”. And make no mistake, not only children, but also adults can fall into such traps.
Before entering personal data, passwords, codes or bank card details anywhere, make sure that this is not a fraudulent page.

Scammers can offer you get rich quick
If a teenager does not have enough pocket money for a fashionable phone and the patience to save up for it, scammers will gladly "help" him. They post a lot of ads on the Internet about quick and easy money. But often in such cases, only the fraudsters themselves manage to suddenly get rich.

Fraudsters can convince a teenager to invest in a "super-profitable project"
Sometimes deceivers offer to “make money quickly” simply by registering on a dubious site. You just need to complete tasks or place bookmaker bets. To withdraw "earnings", they ask to pay a commission. As a result, the money, along with the card data, ends up in the hands of scammers.

There are many such schemes. Therefore, do not give your data to unknown persons.

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