Getting your website ranked in Google is hard, but it's also important.

It can be difficult to rank a website for competitive keywords and phrases without resorting to black-hat SEO tactics like PBNs or link building schemes.

Google Drive stacks are the answer! By creating a stack of authority documents on Google Drive you can leverage the power of their domain and trust in order to promote your site both from an increased rankings perspective, as well as from having additional ranking properties in the search results.

What is a Google Drive Stack?

A stack in this case is a group of documents created using the Google Drive Suite of apps. Google offers Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, Google Drawings, Google Forms and Google Sites. These are all free products offered by Google to use as you please. They are extremely useful tools for collaboration and keeping information accessible across an organization or team.

This means that the content in Google Drive can be indexed and ranked by Google's search engine. Google has found that Google Drive is very popular with users and consequently can be used to provide Google users with additional Google properties that they trust as well as another way for Google to monetize their product offerings.

Why Do You Need Google Drive Stacks?

In most cases, assuming your on-page SEO was done correctly, you may deploy stacks to explore new markets, check competition, or enhance your rankings without utilizing PBNs.

The three primary purposes of Google Drive stacks are as follows:

Link building: Google Drive stacks give Google a way to pass links from Google properties they own and trust to your website. Google has been very strong at encouraging webmasters to use Google products for free, so this is a great strategy because Google wants you to use Google Docs, Google Forms, etc. Just be careful about how you structure the stack and what content is in it.

Content Promotion: Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides and Google Drawings are very easy to access. If you create stacks on Google Drive of articles related to your website it can be very easy for others outside your circle of influence or control to discover them and share them further increasing the exposure of both you and your target keyword.

Reputation Management: Google Drive stacks are Google properties that Google will rank in Google's search engine. You can bury negative content about your business or person using Google Drive stacks to make the content harder to find for a short period of time.

For all three reasons above, Google Drive stacks are extremely powerful tools for SEO, marketing and reputation management when used within Google's TOS. Google Drive stacks are Google Properties that Google will rank for specific keywords and phrases.

In the next installment of this three-part series, we will cover how to create Google Drive Stacks within Google's TOS as well as some important best practices to adhere too to ensure you get the most from your stack. In addition, I will cover how Google Drive stacks can be used for reputation management purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions about Google Stacks Google

Will this get me in trouble with Google?

Google has never taken action against Google Drive stacks, Google Drive profiles or Google Sites. Google provides you the tools to post your websites Google+ URL to your Google Drive profile for free and because it is a Google product they will rank these properties for specific keywords within their own search engine.

I've tried Google Stacks Before With No Luck

First and foremost, links from Google Drive stacks are no different than those from other websites; it's simply going to take a little longer to see the benefit.

Second, while these have improved my own pages 10 to 40 positions, they didn't happen without a strong on-page foundation and links from other places.

I know you're tired of spending hours creating content for your website. You want to rank higher in Google search results, but you don't have the time or resources to create high quality content.

Imagine having a system that automatically creates high authority Google Drive Stacks on auto pilot that propel any webpage straight to the top of Google search results for your chosen keywords.

Stop wasting time and money trying to build links with low-quality content when there's an easier way! With staxio, you can get back to doing what you love while still ranking at the top of Google search results. It's easy, it's effective, and best of all - it works on autopilot!

Weergaven: 2


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