What are some if Erectile Dysfunction Medication that I can use?

How and When to Take the Medications?

The Following are the Erectile Dysfunction Medications .
Require 50 mg of Viagra one hour before you are prepared to participate in sexual movement.
Viagra works best 30 minutes to four hours subsequent to taking the pill.
Viagra likewise works best on an unfilled stomach. Try not to take the pill later a high-fat feast.
On the off chance that you don't accomplish an erection with sexual excitement, you can expand the measurement of your medicine whenever sexual movement is arranged. Later medical procedure, most men require dosages of 100 mg, or more, of Viagra.
Inside eight to 12 hours, Viagra is totally dispensed with from the body.
Require 10 mg of Levitra 30 minutes to one hour before you are prepared to participate in sexual movement.
Levitra works best 30 minutes to four hours subsequent to taking the pill.
On the off chance that you don't accomplish an erection, you might have to build the dose. Counsel your primary care physician.
Levitra can't be utilized for certain prescriptions. These incorporate Flowmax, Hytrin and Cardura.
Require 10 mg of Cialis somewhere around two hours before you are prepared to participate in sexual action.
Cialis can be taken on a full stomach following suppers and the impact of prescription might endure as long as a day and a half.
Assuming you don't accomplish an erection on 10 mg, higher doses can be taken, however you should counsel your PCP with respect to higher dosages.
Cialis can't be utilized for certain different drugs. These incorporate Hytrin and Cardura. Flomax in dosages of 0.4 mg is very much endured.
Secondary effects
The most widely recognized symptoms of oral prescriptions for erectile brokenness incorporate cerebral pain, facial flushing and steamed stomach.
Few patients taking Viagra or Levitra might grumble of a "blue cast" to their vision, affectability to light or obscured vision.
Cialis doesn't cause visual secondary effects. Notwithstanding, back agony and joint hurts can happen with Cialis.
Significant Things to Remember
Despite the fact that Viagra, Levitra and Cialis have been demonstrated to be compelling in numerous men with erectile brokenness, they are not successful in patients who have a prostatectomy, except if a nerve-saving methodology was utilized.
These drugs should not be utilized with meds containing nitrate, like dynamite, Nitrostat, Nitro-Bid, Nitro-Dur, Isordil and Ismo, or Deponit.

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