Visit our website and learn about Fort Lauderdale Hair Loss Specialist

Receding Hair Cause and Male Pattern Baldness.

Have you noticed a gradual thinning on the top of your head? This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting many men as they age and their hair often begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead as Norwood Scale 2 near Fort Lauderdale soon as they reach their late 20's.

Baldness generally refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp. Hereditary hair loss due to genetics is the most common cause of baldness. Frequently referred to as male pattern baldness, it is typically an Learn about Nw Natural Transplants, Hair Restoration Clinic Balding Scale inherited trait and as men age, the hair loss becomes progressive and permanent.

You'll notice that hair on the back and sides of the head usually remains, while a receding hairline becomes dominant, with the middle and back of the head hair loss increases. There are several medical treatments to help stop thinning and stimulate hair regrowth. For many men, a hair transplant is a permanent solution to their hair loss problems.

Hair transplantation involves moving hair (grafts) from an area of your head with healthy hair growth (donor area) to thinning or balding spots (recipient site).

Visit to learn about our HUE (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) methods that will give you more hair, in less time, at an affordable price.

Watch more of our YouTube videos with hair transplant videos with Before and After Hair Transplant results. See for yourself the kind of results our patients receive when you get a hair transplant from our hair clinics: Talk With a Hair Transplant Surgeon: Schedule Your Appointment NOW. Call 844-327-4247 today.

Learn about Fort Lauderdale Hair Transplant On Scar in South Florida.

Visit our website at with 100s of hair transplant photos showing the results of our traction alopecia hair transplant, 800 videos, and additional information that can guide you along in your hair loss restoration. Schedule your time to speak with a hair transplant surgeon by calling toll-free 844-327-4247 - today. This is guaranteed 100% confidential call with no high-pressure sales at all - just good free information including what makes our hair transplant surgery vastly superior to FUE procedures. Here's where to find before and after hair transplant videos, before and after hair transplant photos, and of course, how much does a hair transplant cost at our hair clinic.

When exploring hair loss treatment options and setting expectations for hair growth after a hair transplant it's important to understand where you fall on the Norwood Scale. Depending on your Norwood Scale classification hair loss cure options can be abundant or limited. Call us at 844-327-4247 to speak with a doctor and get your Norwood Scale questions answered.  At Natural Transplants our friendly and knowledgable hair transplant surgeons are available to supply a Norwood Scale classification and review related hair restoration options FREE of charge.

While looking at hair loss solutions, you may have discovered that the most effective and permanent is surgical hair restoration. For many of our patients, the number one benefit of a hair replacement surgery is that it gives them a more youthful appearance with a fuller, thicker head of natural hair.

FUT Hair transplant surgery requires skillfully removing a strip of hair-bearing scalp from the back and/or sides of the head. That strip is then divided into several hundred smaller grafts. These grafts are then inserted into tiny slits in the scalp and are placed in a way that your hair grows in the same, natural direction. No other factor may influence success as strongly as the doctor's level of experience. At Natural Transplants - the leading hair replacement center in Fort Lauderdale, all our doctors are talented and qualified surgeons with extensive surgical hair transplant experience.

When you are ready for a permanent hair loss solution that guarantees to change the way you look, we offer free consultations via phone, online chat, Skype, Facetime, or in person. Call us at 844-327-4247.

Learn about African Hair Growth After Hair Replacement Surgery in Fort Lauderdale.

If you are looking to understand your hair loss, we suggest you have a candid conversation with a hair loss specialist.  Read more below these interviews, reviews and, before and after hair transplant videos of our actual patients (you can see their faces, right?). Lots of clinics try to use other clinics' patient pictures and claim the results as their own.

Choosing a Hair Restoration Cost if you live in South Florida is a big commitment and requires an investment in yourself.

Receding Hair Cause and Male Pattern Baldness.

Have you noticed a gradual thinning on the top of your head? This is the most common type of hair loss, affecting many men as they age and their hair often begins to recede at the hairline on the forehead as soon as they reach their late 20's.

Baldness generally refers to excessive hair loss from your scalp. Hereditary hair loss due to genetics is the most common cause of baldness. Frequently referred to as male pattern baldness, it is typically an inherited trait and as men age, the hair loss becomes progressive and permanent.

You'll notice that hair on the back and sides of the head usually remains, while a receding hairline becomes dominant, with the middle and back of the head hair loss increases. There are several medical treatments to help stop thinning and stimulate hair regrowth. For many men, a hair transplant is a permanent solution to their hair loss problems.

Hair transplantation involves moving hair (grafts) from an area of your head with healthy hair growth (donor area) to thinning or balding spots (recipient site).

Visit to learn about our HUE (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) methods that will give you more hair, in less time, at an affordable price.

Hair Transplant Surgery Fort Lauderdale

Check out Natural Transplants' HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) that can yield up to 6-7 hairs per graft; as many as 12,000 hairs in just one procedure leaving a nearly invisible incision. The most that anyone might see is a "pencil-tip" thin scar with your hair cut to just a 1/2" length.

Take a look at more photos by clicking here: If you are ready to take the next step make an appointment for a free hair transplant consultation by calling toll-free 844-327-4247. You and one of our medical doctors can discuss your needs via the phone, in our offices, Skype or FaceTime.

Check out Natural Transplants' HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction®) that can yield up to 6-7 hairs per graft; as many as 12,000 hairs in just one procedure leaving a nearly invisible incision.

For a true cost comparison of a hair transplants how can you base a decision on a per graft price unless you know the number of hairs per graft? Which is definitely going to vary by hair clinic. Most people have no idea how many hairs per graft doctors and hair restoration clinics are providing when researching costs. Here's an example: In a single hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equals 3,000 hairs. In a double hair graft scenario, 3,000 grafts equal 6,000 Hair Transplant Clinic in Fort ... hairs. Here at Natural Transplants' Learn about Male Pattern Baldness Chart doctors achieve up to 6-7 hairs per graft; with the HUE+ (High-Yield Unit Extraction Plus)℠ methodology our hair restoration specialists can move up to 12,000 hairs in just one procedure, significantly

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