This is the Impact of Free Sex on Physical and Mental Health

This is the Impact of Free Sex on Physical and Mental Health

The term ' free sex ' is increasingly familiar to us in modern life. The people who live in it feel they have the freedom to do anything, including sex. Regardless of the social construction, casual sex often refers to unsafe sex, and will have a negative impact on the perpetrator. Simply put, the definition of free sex that we usually know in Indonesian society is sexual behavior that is carried out outside of marriage. In practice, this can happen between one partner or one person with multiple partners. It can also be done without commitment or even without emotional attachment. This includes sex in courtship (premarital sex), one night love, prostitution, or exchanging partners with other partners ( swinging ). The impact of free sex Free sex is often associated with sexual behavior with a high risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). STIs are transmitted from one person to another through sexual activity, whether vaginal, oral, or anal. Here are some types of STIs that can attack casual sex offenders: Chlamydia Get information, inspiration and insights in your email . Register email Chlamydia is caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis . In men who are infected with chlamydia, symptoms will usually appear in the form of inflammation of the urinary tract, fever, discharge from the penis, pain, or a feeling of heaviness in the testicles. While in women, chlamydial infection is characterized by urinary tract and cervical infections, infection in the uterus, irritation and unusual discharge from the vagina, burning sensation when urinating, lower abdominal pain, and bleeding outside of menstruation. Syphilis Syphilis is also known as lion king disease. This disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum has a transmission period that ranges from 10-90 days. Syphilis is characterized by the appearance of small, circular sores that almost always appear on or around the genitals, anus, or in the mouth. Some people do not experience further symptoms of syphilis, but if left untreated, sufferers can experience blindness, deafness, skin ulcers, heart disease, liver damage, paralysis, and even death. Gonorrhea Gonorrhea or gonorrhea occurs due to infection with the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae . Symptoms of gonorrhea include pain when urinating, frequent urination, discharge of pus at the tip of the penis or vagina, and pain in the genitals. Fungal (Candida) infection For women who have a yeast infection, the symptoms can include itching around the vaginal area. As for men, a red color will appear on the tip of the penis. If it's severe, the area will look like a burn. Genital warts The initial symptoms of this infection are characterized by a collection of warts around the genitals, anus, and buttocks. In some cases it is stated that these warts are found on the inside of the vagina which causes itching and pain. Genital warts are caused by infection with the HPV virus, and are one of the fastest-spreading sexually transmitted infections. This virus can be transmitted through direct physical contact, either through sexual intercourse with an infected person or just by touching the infected area. HPV can also cause cervical cancer in women. Herpes simplex This disease is caused by the Herpes Simplex virus which attacks the skin, mucosa, and nerves of humans. Herpes simplex is divided into two types, namely herpes simplex types 1 and 2. The difference lies in the location of its appearance. Herpes simplex type 1 occurs around the mouth and body, while herpes simplex type 2 occurs in the genital area. The characteristic symptom is the appearance of small, clustered nodules. This disease can be transmitted through direct or indirect contact. For example, through kissing or sexual intercourse with sufferers, as well as performing oral or anal sex. Hepatitis B Hepatitis B is characterized by symptoms, such as fatigue, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, fever and diarrhea. This disease can be transmitted through semen, blood, and vaginal fluids. Genital lice Genital lice are transmitted through contact between pubic hair. It takes about a week for nits to hatch on the genital hair, which causes itching around the genital area of ​​the sufferer. HIV/AIDS This disease occurs due to infection with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) which damages the immune system. HIV can be transmitted through direct contact between the layers of the skin or the bloodstream with fluids containing the HIV virus. These fluids include blood, semen, vaginal fluids, and breast milk. If not treated immediately, HIV can develop into a deadly disease called Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Also read: 3 Sexually Transmitted Diseases Through Oral Sex Psychological impact of free sex For humans, sex is more than just an outward need. Sex can create an emotional dimension that involves personality, thoughts, and feelings. That is why sexual intimacy has the potential to have strong emotional consequences.

Psychologist Thomas Lickona reveals the dangers of free sex on human psychology, which include: The emergence of concerns about pregnancy and sexual diseases For casual sex, the fear of getting pregnant out of wedlock or contracting a sexually transmitted disease is a major source of stress that cannot be avoided. Feeling sorry and guilty Some free sex offenders often feel sorry and guilty because in their conscience, these behaviors are considered wrong and forbidden to do. Influence character development When a person, especially a young person, treats another person as a sexual object for mere gratification, that person loses respect for himself or herself. They will then get used to not distinguish between right and wrong, for the sake of getting their personal pleasure. It's hard to have a serious relationship Short relationships created from casual sex often make it difficult to trust future relationships with the perpetrator. Depression A study by psychologist Martha Waller revealed that teens who engage in risky behaviors, such as casual sex, use drugs, and drink alcohol, are the group most likely to experience depression than those who don't. Pregnancy at a young age If not done using safety, casual sex can lead to pregnancy at a young age. Pregnancy at a young age has a higher risk for high blood pressure, anemia, premature birth, low birth weight, and postpartum depression. All the bad effects above can be prevented by avoiding free sex as much as possible or with only one partner. In addition, always prioritize safety in sex, such as being faithful to one partner, using condoms to prevent the risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancies, and avoiding the consumption of alcohol and drugs during sexual intercourse.

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