Psoriasis Creams: Do They Work? Which Ones Are Best?

There are two basic types of psoriasis creams. Some buy tretinoin  no real medicine in them and others have some type of psoriasis medication in them. Both have their purposes and people with psoriasis can use both types of creams.

Some creams are just emollients that soften the skin and help the scales come off. These types of creams are ointments that can get a little greasy and that keep air away from the lesions. Ointments are perhaps the least irritating of all the creams and they do not come off easily by means of water. You can put ointment on and bathe without much of the ointment coming off.

The next type of cream is just a basic cream like Eucerin™. Eucerin is a cream that comes in a big tub or in a tube and is very thick. It softens the irritated skin and helps the scales rub off easier. It is an excellent choice for softening the skin and it doesn't have any color or fragrance which can be irritating to the psoriatic skin. Creams can be applied at night and can work on the skin during the nighttime hours, applying a medicated cream or lotion in the morning. Scales can be easily scraped off after several hours of using the cream. Eucerin does nothing for the inflammation, however.

There are also lotions that cover larger areas of the body than do creams. The problem with lotions is that many have alcohol as one of their ingredients so that they tend to dry out the skin a bit over the long haul. They may feel soothing at first but then the alcohol kicks in and the skin becomes dryer than before. Lotion soaks in easier and doesn't last as long as creams do but it can be used on large body areas. Check the ingredients on the back to see if alcohol is one of the top ingredients.

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