Joe Biden brings compassion, centrist and a big-time vaccine

Joe Biden membawa kasih sayang, sentris dan vaksin besar

As he gently told a traumatized 8-year-old girl, "Don't be scared, honey. Don't be scared," Joe Biden showed that the days of presidential pandemic denial and indifference to America's suffering are over.

His reassuring words to second grader Layla Salas came during a CNN town hall in Wisconsin on Tuesday night when he also tried to move the nation on from the divisive aftermath of the impeachment trial of the predecessor he referred to as "the former guy."
"For four years, all that's been in the news is Trump. The next four years, I want to make sure all the news is the American people. I'm tired of talking about Trump," Biden said, depriving the ex-President of the attention he craves.

Joe Biden brings compassion, centrist and a big-time vaccine

That particular moment emphasized Biden's chosen position in the center of American politics where he won the election. His unwillingness to seek public revenge against his just-impeached predecessor, or to join other prominent Democrats in vociferously condemning the Republican senators who voted to acquit former President Donald Trump over the US Capitol insurrection, may disappoint more radical members of his own party. But with his restraint, Biden practiced what he has preached: an effort to bring a fractured nation together and to ensure that political disagreements don't become "uncivil wars."

In these two answers, the President took care of the politics of his prime time appearance in which he needed to show compassion for a country demoralized by a year-long battle against the virus and to lead it out of Trump's dark shadow.

The President also offered some hope -- with a specific promise against which he will be judged -- for 600 million doses of vaccine to be available by the end of July.

"What's going to happen is it's going to continue to increase as we move along. We will have reached 400 million doses by the end of May and 600 million by the end of July," Biden told CNN's Anderson Cooper in Milwaukee.

Questions Biden cannot answer

But on some substantive questions that Americans desperately want answered -- including how long the pandemic will last and when everyone can get the vaccine -- Biden could not give definitive answers. And there is fresh confusion and some equivocation from the administration on when all kids will be back in school and whether or not vaccinating teachers is a prerequisite for it to happen.

Biden's prediction that life could be back mostly to normal by Christmas may strike many Americans, who had longed for freedom to return with the spring and the summer, as daunting evidence of a long haul ahead. / view / home-a-putlocker-watch-the-little-things-2021-full-online-free-123movies-hd mugen-train-2021-hd-full-movie-online-free-123movies-putlocker -free-123movies-hd aktivitas / 33667 / biden-membawa-belas kasih-sentris-dan-vaksin-waktu-besar-1 vaksin - biden-membawa-belas kasih-sentris-dan-vaksin-besar-waktu
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Dia juga tampaknya bersusah payah untuk tidak berjanji berlebihan tentang pertanyaan kapan anak-anak dapat kembali belajar secara langsung. Dia berharap murid TK sampai kelas delapan bisa kembali ke lima hari seminggu, dan ini bisa terjadi pada akhir 100 hari masa jabatannya pada bulan April. Tetapi dia tidak bisa mengatakan kapan siswa yang lebih tua, yang lebih rentan terhadap penyebaran Covid-19, akan mendapatkan perawatan yang sama. Dia melakukan advokasi untuk mendorong guru ke garis depan untuk vaksinasi, dalam upaya untuk membuka sekolah lebih cepat, di tengah kritik dari Partai Republik bahwa dia tidak mau mengecewakan serikat guru, sebuah konstituensi Demokrat yang kuat.

Wakil Presiden Kamala Harris mengatakan pada acara "Hari Ini" NBC pada hari Rabu bahwa guru harus menjadi "prioritas," tetapi dia menyerahkannya pada pernyataan tentang siapa yang harus divaksinasi kapan. Dan dalam penampilan di "Hari Baru" CNN, kepala juru bicara wakil presiden Symone Sanders berulang kali menolak menjawab apakah Presiden berpendapat bahwa taman kanak-kanak hingga sekolah kelas delapan dapat dibuka bahkan jika guru belum divaksinasi, berulang kali menjajakan jalur administrasi yang seharusnya guru menjadi "diprioritaskan" yang gagal mengklarifikasi pertanyaan.

Biden's caution could be the positioning of a politician who is setting low targets he thinks he can outperform. It is appropriate given the capricious nature of a virus that is mutating in a way that makes it more infectious and potentially more resistant to vaccines.

"I don't want to over promise anything here," the President said, contrasting sharply with his predecessor's predictions that church pews would be full by Easter 2020 and that the virus would magically disappear.
The President was disingenuous when he blamed poor reporting and a "miscommunication" on the perception that his team saw children in school buildings for one day a week as a mark of success. The comment came from his White House last week and was later walked back.

Biden also said inaccurately that there were no vaccines when he took office -- a puzzling statement given that he received both doses of the Pfizer/BionNTech vaccine before his inauguration. There were limited doses developed by private companies and scientists in an impressive initiative sponsored by the Trump administration, but the former White House made a poor first of the initial rollout that badly complicated Biden's own plans. Even still, about 1 million doses per day were being administered by the time Biden took office on January 20.

Still, Biden's missteps paled in the comparison to the hurricane of lies, false statements, bitter political attacks and self-aggrandizement that regularly dominated Trump's appearances in rally speeches and town hall events on conservative media.

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