The logistics performance index of Netherlands is 4.05. It indicates a good performance - the logistics system is well prepared and organised, shipments mostly arrive on time and do not suffer damage, and the infrastructure is ready to handle even unpredictably big amounts of traffic as long as it is not overwhelming.

Customs performance is rated at 3.96. It indicates a good performance - customs clearance is fast and effective, in some cases it may be at all absent (e.g. Schengen area borders), encouraging international business activity; the documents and fees needed are predictable and publicly available, as well as in some cases (mostly concerning visas) can be arranged at the customs office.

Infrastructure quality in Netherlands is rated to be at 4.23. It indicates a good quality - roads, railroad, ports and other facilities are adapted and regularly maintained to handle high levels of traffic at all times, as well as most probably there are special facilities for handling high intensity and/or special traffic or vehicles (e.g. motorways a.k.a. autobahns and deepwater ports).

International shipment quality is 3.64. It indicates a satisfactory performance - the services are adequate and the prices are not too high and usually accurately match the quality, although there is still room for improvement.

The competence of logistics service providers is valued at 4.13. The providers are very competent - they ensure a high quality of shipments and traffic handling at all times, and their performance is fast and reliabel; any mistakes that might happen are compensated for without question.

Tracking possibilities for shipments are rated at 4.07. It indicates a good performance - the tracking systems provide detailed and up-to-date information about most of the parameters of shipments, as well as often transcend national (both political and linguisitc) barriers and may be qualified as international shipment tracking systems.

Tracking possibilities for shipments are rated at 4.34. It indicates a good performance - shipments almost always arrive within the scheduled time brackets and often faster than expected.

In Netherlands, 100% of the population has access to electricity. Netherlands has 29 airports nationwide. There are 13,699,000 internet hosts in Netherlands. The number of road motor vehicles per 1000 inhabitants in Netherlands is 708.

Weergaven: 8


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