How to get printer offline

Changing Epson Printer Offline to Online in Easy Steps


For changing Epson printer offline to online, users are specially recommended to follow the below-mentioned steps so that their printer start printing properly.

  1. Users should Restart their Epson Printer.


  1. They supposed to Push the (Windows+I) button to launch the “Windows Settings” of their computer.


  1. Next, they will be going to see the “Devices” option, and then do double-click on it.


  1. Now, do click on the “Printer & Scanner” option.


  1. Subsequently, users will be going to view their Epson printer in the printer list. 


  1. Next, users are supposed to right-click on the Epson printer icon and then select the “See what’s printing” choice.


  1. Now, users are recommended to uncheck the “Stop printing & printer from another printer” & other checkmarks from the “See what printer is printing” option.


  1. Next, from the drop-down menu, users should Select “Use Printer Online”.


  1. Lastly, users should right-click the “See what’s printing” option & Set their Epson printer as the default printer if they see a greenish checkmark or grey icons on it.


To get Epson Printer Offline to Online on Windows 10 PC.

Frequently speaking, Epson printer are confronted with offline issue because of weak wi-fi connectivity and incorrect printer settings. To get Epson printer online on Windows 10 PC, users are recommended to check few important things. First of all, users should check the “What’s printing” options in the setting of their computer. Next, they are supposed to cancel and eliminate all active as well as queued printing tasks, and ensure that cartridge is working properly.


Do follow the below-mentioned steps sequentially: -


  1. First of all, users are supposed to turn on their Windows 10 computer or PC.
  2. Next, they should press on the “Windows” button on their computer keyboard.
  3. Now, the start menu will start to appear on their computer screen.
  4. Next, on the left corner bottom, do click on the “Settings” gear.
  5. Now, it will open up the “windows settings” on PC screen.
  6. Next, users should click on the “Devices” option.
  7. Do select the “Printers & scanners” option.
  8. Now, users should right-click on their “Epson printer that is offline”.
  9. Next, do uncheck the check-mark by clicking on the “Use Printer Offline”.
  10. At Last, Epson printer offline issue will be satisfactorily fixed.


Epson Printer Offline Fix

In case, if users are still facing the issue of Epson printer offline then there are several ways of fixing them.

There are few helpful ways to Epson printer offline fix issues and they are: -

  1. First of all, users are supposed to give a print command to their Epson printer and then check if its screen gives them an error. If it shows any type of error then do try to remove it.
  2. Users are recommended to restart their wi-fi router after unplugging it from the power source. After restarting wi-fi printer, users are supposed to try to print from it again. The initialization of wi-fi router is likely to fix the issues if Epson printer keeps going offline again and again.
  3. Now, users are supposed to restart their PC after disconnecting it from the power source and then try again to print from it. It should be carefully noted that a PC restart many times troubleshoots the Epson printeroffline fix
  4. Mainly, users are advised to uninstall Epson printer software along with its drivers from their PC by simply going to the Windows settings of their computer and then search for programs list and uninstall Epson printer software from there.
  5. Finally, users should re-install Epson printer by downloading the Epson connect printer setup utilityand their computer’s compatible Epson printer drivers from the Epson official website and then follow all on-screen instructions.



Steps to change HP printer status from Offline to Online

If users are receiving message of HP Printer Offline, then this can be infuriating and dispiriting for them. It does not mean that your HP printer is broken but is not communicating properly with the device sending the print job. Unfortunately speaking, your HP offline printer will not be able to receive new print jobs and cannot process them. Therefore, it’s very important to resolve these issues appropriately. For this reason, users are advised to follow the troubleshooting guide to fix these HP Printer Offline issues. Before moving further, users are advised to save their work so that they can print their tasks and projects later, when offline issues are suitably fixed.


The main reasons responsible for HP Printer Offline are: -

  1. Outdated drivers
  2. Connection issues
  3. A Settings error

Noted that every of these reasons will be having a different resolution process. Thus, it’s important to have a look at these problems and also credible resolutions to get back online for new printing jobs.

The set of instruction are going to address wide range of issues, which are related to HP Printer Offline. Therefore, it’s highly advised that users should follow these instructions stepwise to fix the issues.

Option 1 - Run HP Print and Scan Doctor

  1. The users are advised to use the HP Print and Scan Doctor application for identifying as well as solving errors. The users can find this special version which are designed to resolve offline issues by clicking link
  2. Next, do open the application called HPPSdr.exe by clicking it from the download location and allowing it to run. The users should be in administrator mode to do this action.
  3. If users are prompted, then they are supposed to choose Yesto trust the file source because it comes directly from the HP tech support team
  4. Now, users should click Startand then choose their printer
  5. If their printer is not listed, then they should restart their printer, and then click Retryin the Print and Scan Doctor application.
  6. This application is going to identify probable connection issues. The users are recommended to follow the prompts appropriately and then click Yesif asked to turn on printer updates
  7. Lastly, users should continue through the prompts and then click Yesif they are asked to make this printer the default printer

If these instructions prove helpful to users then their printer status will be going to change from “offline” to “online”. If not, then they should continue with next section.

Option 2 - Set the default printer

The users are advised to specify their default printer preference. Thereafter, they should follow these set of steps for resolving this issue for Windows 10. Before beginning these set of steps, users should ensure that they have downloaded and installed all of the updates for the Windows 10 operating system.



For Windows 10 users

  1. Firstly, users are advised to use the search box or ask Cortana to open Devices
  2. Next, do select  Printers & scanners
  3. Users should ensure that the box next to  “Let Windows manage my default printer” is unchecked. Now, they should click the box to unselect it, if necessary
  4. Now, users are supposed to choose their printer from the provided list
  5. If your printer is listed multiple times, then users are advised to accurately select the version which is showing an idle or online status
  6. Next, do click  Manage
  7. Lastly, do click  Set as default


For Windows 8 users


Users are recommended to select their printer from the devices shown. If more than one version is displayed, then they are supposed to choose the version which is not aged out. Next, do right-click and then select  “Set as default printer.”

Subsequently, user should try printing again. If their device is still displaying an offline status, then do move on to the next section.

Options 3 - Confirm your printer port and Windows services status

The following main step in resolving offline printer issues is to check if your printer uses a WSD port.

  1. For appropriately determining this aspect, users should search Windows or ask Cortana for Control Panel and then click  “View devices and printers”
  2. Next, users should right-click their printer and then select  Printer Properties
  3. Now, do click the  Ports tab and check if their printer uses a WSD port

If it uses a WSD port then users are advised to follow these steps (but skip this section if it doesn't)

  1. Firstly, users are advised to search Windows or ask Cortana for  Services
  2. Next, they should scroll through the list to find  Function Discovery Provider Host and  Function Discovery Resource Publication
  3. Now, do check the  Status and  Startup  type columns
  4. If they are running and the startup type is automatic, then users are recommended to go to the next step
  5. If they are showing up blank with a manual startup type, then users should right-click the name and select  Properties
  6. Next, they should change the startup type to automatic
  7. Now, do click  Start under the service status and then click  OK
  8. Next, do go back to the Device and Printers window and then press  F5
  9. Lastly, users should click their printer name and then check the status

In case, if status changes from HP Printer offline to online, then your offline issues are resolved. If it still displays “offline” status then users should print a network configuration report. This can be amicably be done through the Settings or Wireless menu for your HP printer.

Do follow these below-mentioned steps.

  1. To begin with, users should right-click on their printer name, and choose  Printer Properties , and then click the  Ports tab .
  2. Next, they should select  Add Port
  3. Now, do select  Standard TCP/IP Port and click  New Port
  4. Next, users are supposed to use the network configuration report they have ran previously to add a new port -a hostname is preferred
  5. Now, they should go back to the Devices and Printers window and then press  F5
  6. Lastly, users should properly check their printer status by clicking it


If status changes from HP Printer offline fix to online, then users' issue of “offline” is resolved. If it still shows “offline”, then users should move on to the next section.

Option 4 - Check your connection

How user's printer is connected to their device, there are still many reasons for printer of showing offline status. If users are using a USB cord to connect, then they should ensure that it is safely in place. If offline issue still continues then do consider using a different USB cord.

If users are using a wireless network in connecting to printer then they should follow below-mentioned steps: -

  1. First, users are advised to restart their printer by turning it off. Now, they should wait for 10 seconds, and then disconnect the power cord from their printer
  2. Now, they should turn off their computer
  3. Next, users are recommended to connect the printer power cord to the printer and then turn the printer back on
  4. They should disconnect the power cord from their wireless router
  5. Now, do wait for 10 seconds, before reconnecting it
  6. This will take some minutes for your internet to come back on
  7. Whenever, it connects back, then users should power on their computer
  8. Next, users are advised to use the HP wireless setup wizard or the HP Smart software, and then they should connect their printer to their network
  9. Now, users are highly advised to print a wireless report to see what type of connectivity issues are still existing
  10. Finally, users can find this report in the Network settings or the Wireless menu of their printer.

If offline status of your HP printer still continues, then it's a job for your network administrator or router manufacturer. The connection issues can be intricated enough to identify beyond these steps and so it's highly advisable to consult tech pro, if offline problem still exists.

Do try to print from another device

The users are recommended to try printing from a different device (mobile phone or laptop), if they think that offline issues are because of printer errors, a malfunctioned connection can be device-specific. Therefore, users should connect to another computer and see, if this issue is resolved appropriately. If printing is possible from another device then printer offline is not problem for offline issues.




hp printer offline / hp printer offline fix / epson printer offline fix / epson printer offline / printer offline fix / printer offline





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