How Secure Is Your Cosmetic Surgery Website From Hackers

Nowadays every business needs a strong online presence - a website that will attract visitors to your website and then provide them with the information they are looking for to help them to make the decision to contact your cosmetic practice. But have you given any thought as to how secure your website is from hackers?

Website security is often only considered when it's too late, and your site has been Arma 3 ESP Hacks. The resulting inconvenience and headaches this can cause for the business owner can be disruptive at best, and is often very damaging to any business. It's surprising to find most business owners don't have a crash / hack recovery service. They don't even have a back-up copy of their website. So when the site goes down, or is the victim of a malicious hacker, the site has to be re-written from scratch.

NOT securing your website from hackers is akin to getting an alarm put on your house after the burglars have been in and cleaned out all of your valuables - while you had no house insurance!

Some of the ways a hacker can gain access to your website:

- Your access codes can be too easy for a hacker to guess. WordPress is arguably the best website platform, and it utilizes a username and a password to gain access. If your username is set to 'admin' as lots of sites are, then the hacker already has half of your access code. The rule of thumb is your username and password should be difficult and long enough that you can't remember them. You can easily use a password manager program such as LastPass to securely store your passwords for you.

- There is also a mistaken belief that hackers only go after big websites. Nothing could be further than the truth. Hackers often target websites for no better reason than the fact that they can.

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