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Practical Lawn Care Tips Every Homeowner Should Know - Landscaping™

Having a smooth and green rolling lawn is every man's dream. You know it's possible to have these near-perfect stretches of land. You have seen them in golf courses. It's a good thing you do not have to be a landscaping Plano TX professional to make these lawns a possibility in your home. Certainly, it won't be easy but with a little patience and thoughtfulness, that perfect lawn could be yours. Start from the canvass: the soil. What kind of soil do you have? It is necessary to check the PH of your soil before choosing your grass type. Some states allow homeowners who want to delve into landscaping Plano TX to have PH tests lawn tractor repair done for free. Of course, DIY PH tests are also available in gardening and hardware stores. You should also check the state of your soil. Rocky soil is no good for your grass so if you want to grow your grass, weed it and plow it. If you need to remove the first 6 inches of your original soil, do so, then replace it with good potting mix. Then, decide on whether you will use grass sods or if you will buy seeds for your project. Mixing the seeds with pulp makes seeding easier but if you are not sure about what you are doing, it won't hurt to consult a landscaping Plano TX expert. Visit your local nursery. Look at what type of grass they have. This will give you an idea on what type of grass is good to grow in your area. If you're not happy with your grass type, consult them about the type of grass you want to grow. Consider the climate, the amount of rainfall, and your own lifestyle. Finer grasses like bermuda are beautiful but they tend to be high maintenance. If you don't want carabao grass, maybe you can go midway. Choose something that's fine enough to look good on your lawn without being too much trouble for you. What is the best watering tactic for you? Some experts on landscaping Plano TX swear by shallow watering when the weather is warm. Others swear by deep watering once or twice a week. They say that this lets the roots grow longer and keeps the pests out. It really depends on your soil and grass type. If you have a soil type that's more porous like sand, it won't hold water too long. You will need to water more frequently. If the soil in your area is wet and clay-like, less frequent watering will be good. Also, don't forget to fertilize every one to two months--biannually at the very minimum. Even the richest soil can get stripped of nutrients after a few months. Own a lawnmower. This will make the job easier, especially if you are working in a large space. Next, choose the lowest setting on your mower so you are only cutting the topmost third of your grass. This way, you won't stress the grass and the roots have a chance to grow longer. Longer grass also keeps out the sun which, in turn, prevents the growth of unwanted weeds. To make sure that your grass is getting enough nutrients, aerate your soil. Poke holes in between your grass patches so they are healthier. You can also wear spiked shoes to make those holes. Aerating regularly, once every three months or so keeps your grass healthy. Don't worry, the small bald patches made from aerating your soil will grow back.

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