Decorating Jar Candles - A Gift With A Personal Touch

When you first get the scented jar candle home, remove the cap and take a close look at it. You should see the space where the glass portion of the lid connects to the plastic stopper part of the lid. This is where you are going to put your screwdriver, to separate the two.

Once the plastic part is out, you have found your canvas, the glass portion of the lid. You are going to fill this area with the items for your decoration.

Here are a few ideas:

If you have a sea breeze scented jar candle, why not make it look a little more like a trip to the beach. You could fill the top with beautiful medium-sized seashells, or even small seashells and some beach sand, to complete the look and feel of the jar.

Whether it's rose, lilac or lavender, you can accent the scent of your jar candle with a matching decorative top. You should be easily able to find fake flowers to go with the flowered scent of the candle. Displaying these in the top offer an instant reminder of the wonderful smell that will come out of the candle once it's lit.

This same rule can apply to other scented jar candles. For berry-scented candles, you may be able to find fake or dried berries to put in the lid. For pine or herb-scented candles, consider miniature dried pine cones or dried herb stalks.

If you want create an even more personal look to your scented jar candles, what about étiquettes bocaux  a picture? You can cut out any photo to fit the shape of the interior of the lid. This picture can then be slipped inside and it will show through the top. You will need to make sure you secure the picture in place. This can be done by putting something behind it, say a nice piece of fabric, and make sure it's packed tightly enough that the picture will not shift around as the candle lid is removed and replaced.

If you are decorating a candle for someone with a country home, you may want to find a beautiful piece of country quilt material and place that in the lid. The scented candle jar will be an automatic fit in their home.

The possibilities of how you decorate the candle lid are only limited by your imagination.

Important Notes:

Make sure to fit the lid snugly back in place. Tug on it a little bit to make sure it will not easily pop out again, or you could be giving your recipient a mess to clean up when they try to open the candle and the contents of the top come out instead.

It's very important that no matter what items you are putting inside the candle lid, that they're snug in place. Each time the lid is removed, or the candle is moved about, gravity and inertia are going to kick in. if you have the items loosely set inside, they will shift and may not look the way you had hoped.

After you have filled the lid, do your own experiments. Shake it around, open and close it a number of times, and look to see if your decorations have moved. If so, you need to pack them more tightly. If not, you have a present ready to go.

Weergaven: 5


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