Also, NEVER use Euronet ATMs because they charge ATM fees as well as a poor exchange rate. There are many exchange offices around Europe that will sell Czech Koruna before your trip. But you’ll end up losing money due to the poor exchange rate given. If you want to exchange money it’s better to wait until you arrive in Czechia, or even better, don’t exchange money at all, and take out cash from a local ATM. Banks and other providers often set their own, unfriendly exchange rates. It means that you pay more than you need to, and they pocket the difference.

As in most destinations, travellers will find it easier and cheaper to use their bank cards when paying in Prague. The exchange rate is normally maximum 1% when paying with a debit or credit card, which is cheaper than exchanging money in a bureau de change. To know if card payment is accepted in a store or restaurant, we recommend asking before making any purchase.

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