Clinical Billing - Enteral Nutrition Billing

Medical Billing - Hiring A QA Tester™

In our last installment of medical billing, we looked at what was involved as far as the software company hiring a programmer to create their software that will eventually be sold to the public. But programmers aren't enough because the software needs to be tested. The truth is, programmers make lousy testers because they are biased. That's why the software company needs to hire QA testers to make sure the software works as it should. So what should a medical billing company look for when hiring a QA tester? What follows is a list of a few things that you're going to want.

Unlike other industries, QA testing medical billing software is a whole different animal. The reason is because you are dealing with a number of functions rather than just the one or two main things that most software does. For example, with medical billing software you have to not only be able to send out the claims, which is basic, but you also have to post money, add items to various databases, print, barcode and the list goes on and on. That's why most medical billing software companies actually hire specialists in each are. For example, they may hire a QA tester just to test electronic billing modules. Yes, that's how specialized this can be. So what do you look for in a QA tester?

Ideally, you would like to find somebody who actually has experience with medical billing. But this is highly unlikely because most QA testers who are working at medical billing software companies simply just don't leave their jobs. They pay well and the security is off the charts. They pretty credentialing physician much have jobs for life. So luring one away is going to be very hard. The salary you would have to pay would make it almost unaffordable to have them around.

The next best thing then, if you can't find somebody in the industry, is to find somebody who works for the government in some form. The reason is because the regulations of this industry are enough to choke a horse. There is more legal red tape in medical billing than just about anywhere else. Somebody who is used to working with red tape will be very good to have on board.

Another thing you want to look for is somebody who is very familiar with the technology of the times. Medical billing software is quite complex. Your QA tester must be comfortable with modems, printers, barcode machines and retail sales machines. If they have a a good handle on operating systems as well, that will come in handy because most software has to be tested on multiple platforms.

You also want to find somebody who is a good writer. The reason is because medical billing software usually has manuals that are thicker than phone books and since most companies can't afford tech writers, QA testers have to double as both tester and writer.

It isn't easy to find somebody with these qualifications. The field is very competitive and the salaries are very high. So be prepared to make quite a nice offer to get the candidate you want.

Weergaven: 3


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