Almost any kind of condition will certainly benefit from BICOM bioresonance therapy. It is non-invasive, pain-free and dependable at any age. Health Analyzer
Hypersensitivity and intolerances can stress your body and burden the immune system. Normally, your immune system should deal with microorganisms and foreign invaders to the body. However when it comes to allergic reactions, it raises fake alarms.
To the non-allergic person, the foreign substance which gets into the body is harmless. However, in allergic men and women the body's defense mechanisms over reacts leading to symptoms such as hives hay fever, symptoms of asthma, eczema, dermatitis, food allergies... These hypersensitive reactions can range from being very mild, for example bloating, towards the severe and even life threatening anaphylaxis. Metapathia Gr Hunter 4025
Applying BICOM Bioresonance, we are able to identify allergies from the body's electrical response to the particular substance tested. An inverse oscillation pattern of electricity of the allergen is delivered to the body and has a desensitization effect and cancels out the over-reactive defense response. Hunter GR 4025 Metapathia
Allergen hypersensitivity can also be treated through the elimination of immune system over-reaction. Whenever there are many toxic compounds in the body, they stress the body's defence mechanism so much that it becomes over-sensitive to things that trigger allergies. These kind of toxic compounds may include heavy metals, petrochemicals, pesticide sprays as well as herbicides, moulds and fungus, parasites, virus and germs. Meta GR Hunter 4025
Dealing with these types of toxins with bioresonance helps you to unburden the immune system so that is no longer over-sensitive and has the capacity to self-regulate and begin the recovery process.
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