All Genders Welcome: Female, Male and Transgender

All genders are allowed to become Chaturbate broadcasters. Female, male and transgenders can all create accounts. Chaturbate also supports couple and group accounts (any sexual orientation). It’s important to know that if you’re performing with a partner (or group), that everyone must be verified and associated to your account before going live. Free Sex Cams

How Much Chaturbate Models Get Paid

Models get paid 5 cents per token. This comes out to roughly 50%, but the exact percentage varies based on the token packages the customers purchase (larger token packages are discounted). The earning potential is great, but each model is responsible for generating her own tips or private sessions. Live Porn Shows

Live Webcam Shows

Chaturbate is primarily a free sex cam site. There’s multiple different show types that models can perform, and each type of show earns revenue differently. There’s also apps and bots (a Chaturbate app store) that can be used to add increased functionality to the live shows, making them even more creative, interesting and profitable. Here’s all the shows and options available for Chaturbate. Best Free Sex Cams UK

Chaturbate is a leading live sex cam site with great traffic, percentages and features. Becoming a Chaturbate model is quick and easy. Anyone who’s eighteen years old or older, and has the required equipment, can make money performing live on Chaturbate. In addition to making money live on webcam, models can also make money from selling videos / galleries and through premium fan-club membership. Here’s all the information on becoming a Chaturbate broadcaster.

View More - Live Female Cams

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