A final and rather major indicator that Arthur's Ammit link doesn't actually make sense

Rumors of a second season for Moon Knight took Twitter by storm after an eagle-eyed fan spotted a very important change to a promotional tweet made by Marvel.

Twitter user kellie_dixon shared two screenshots of the Marvel Studios tweets promoting the upcoming sixth episode of Moon Knight, pointing out that Marvel changed the description from "the epic series finale" to "the epic season finale" — possibly signalling that viewers will get a second season of the Oscar Isaac-led show similar to Loki.

Variety previously noted that Isaac is "not contractually obligated to remain in the MCU after 'Moon Knight' ends its six-episode run in May," but the actor was seemingly open to continuing his work as Marc Spector/Steven Grant. "And luckily, we all agreed that this [show] is what we’re going to focus on. This is the story. And if there’s any kind of future, I think it just depends on if people like it, if people want to see more, and if we find a story that’s worth telling," he said.

There's a genius Moon Knight villain theory that could create a major finale twist and correct some confusing plot points about Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke). Moon Knight is an otherwise unconventional MCU show that has fewer action sequences and more cerebral moments focused on character development. Not only does the show introduce Oscar Isaac's Marc Spector and his role as the avatar of the Egyptian moon god Khonshu (F Murray Abraham), but it develops the MCU's Egyptian lore. Arthur Harrow is the central antagonist, taking a likeness to cult leaders like the Branch Davidians' David Koresh, by attracting followers to join Egyptian goddess Ammit's cause.

While there's a lot to already be said about how Moon Knight's Arthur Harrow differs from his comic book counterpart in which he was an Auschwitz-connected scientist in the Mexican jungle, the differences may end up growing even further. In Moon Knight, Arthur Harrow is Marc Spector's predecessor as Khonshu's avatar. According to Harrow, he left Khonshu after disagreeing with his notion of justice and opted for Ammit's approach to punish future evildoers before any sin is committed. However, looking closely, there are discrepancies to Harrow's Ammit connection.

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According to this theory (via Reddit), Arthur is actually Anubis, the god of the dead who oversees the Scales of Justice. Anubis is actually the underworld's prime judge and worked alongside Ammit, who was in charge of eating impure hearts. Steven and Marc's foray through the afterlife in Moon Knight episode 5, which ends with Steven falling into the Duat's sands, should have been overseen by Anubis, not Taweret (Antonia Salib). However, the theory states that both Anubis and Ammit were cast out of the Ennead after an uprising to take over the judgment of souls completely. In doing so, Anubis is now mortal and is on a path to free his partner Ammit. There is, of course, more to this theory worth exploring.

Arthur Harrow's Ammit Link Makes No Sense
Moon Knight Villain Arthur Harrow Powers Ammit Egypt God Connection SR
Arthur speaks of Ammit's judgment throughout Moon Knight when, in Egyptian mythology, she had no actual hand in judging souls. Steven describes her in Moon Knight episode 1 as the "world's first bogeyman," and frankly, he's not far off. Ammit wasn't worshipped, but rather feared by ancient Egyptians. It's odd that she'd have followers. Another big indicator that Arthur's Ammit link hardly makes sense is the mysterious Moon Knight jackals he releases. Anubis had a jackal's head, so it would make much more sense for jackals to be associated with him instead of the crocodile-headed Ammit. Arthur's scales tattoo is another great indicator. While Ammit was seated by the Scales of Justice, Anubis actually used them. The scales belong to Anubis, not Ammit.

A final and rather major indicator that Arthur's Ammit link doesn't actually make sense is the glaring fact that she's supposed to be imprisoned. It's introduced in Moon Knight episode 3 that Khonshu cannot have an avatar during his imprisonment, so it becomes confusing that despite Ammit needing to be freed, Arthur Harrow retains his Moon Knight powers. Even if it would seem that Ammit's powers are contained in Arthur's cane, it's still odd that her powers can be accessed at all.

Taweret's Moon Knight Mistake Backs Up The Anubis Theory

Moon Knight Episode 6 Moon Knight Episode 6 Online Watch Moon Knight Episode 6 Finale Watch Moon Knight Episode 6 Free Moon Knight Season 1 Episode 6 Moon Knight Episode 6 Final Taweret is the goddess of fertility and motherhood, whose role in the afterlife was to protect souls traveling through the Duat. While she does serve this role in Moon Knight episode 5 for Marc and Steven, she oddly also does Anubis' job by weighing their hearts on the Scales of Justice. Indications that she's not well-versed in the role are her notecards and her pleasantly surprised reaction to successfully removing Marc and Steven's hearts. Even though her inexperience can be due to the fact that the Duat is only one of many afterlife planes in existence and that, therefore, souls don't always travel through the Duat, she's still playing a role that has otherwise been delegated to Anubis before. Moon Knight's Taweret mistake is easily forgiven by the potential notion that Anubis is no longer allowed in the Duat to play his part. Noticing also that Ammit is no longer serving her role as the Devourer of the Dead due to her imprisonment, it would make sense for Anubis to be entirely elsewhere.

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