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Aging at home is often easier for an elder to obtain than transitioning to institutionalized care. The ensuing process require careful planning, research, and coordination which can ease the possible burden on the caregivers.

The National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4a) is a nationwide organization that provides information and education on aging in the United States.

Older adults in the U.S. are increasingly living at home later in life. The average age difference between age at which an older adult moves out of their home and age at death has increased from 5 years in 1990 to 9 years in 2010.

The growing number of older adults living at home may be the result of improved health, low cost housing, or financial limitations that still allow them to live independently.

Conditions that may limit their ability to live independently include high levels of disability, cognitive impairment, or chronic illness.

Some research suggests that most older adults who continue to live independently want to stay in their homes for as long as hospitalbeds possible.

The decision to age at home is a difficult one, but it’s not always possible. For many people, family support is crucial when making the decision of how to age at home. Families often need to take care of aging parents because they are too old or frail to manage their own lives.

For some people, retirement communities are an option for aging in place, but they can be prohibitively expensive and sometimes inconvenient. Retirement communities give families an opportunity to live nearby and spend time with their loved ones without having to travel back and forth. If you want your loved ones near you until the end of your days then this is a great option that can provide both physical and emotional support.

In the last decades, the population of people aged 60 and over has been rapidly increasing. In the US, in 2005, there were about 34 million people aged 65 and over. By 2050, it is estimated to be well above 98 million people.

This increase in the elderly population is a result of prolonged life expectancy and a reduced birth rate. It has caused many problems in terms of health care and retirement funding for this growing number of older adults.

Some older adults have decided not to worry about these problems given their own mortality and instead focus on living their lives fully where they are at until they die. These individuals are called “aging in place” or “homebound” seniors because they remain at home as opposed to moving into senior residences or assisted living communities.

Aging at home brings many benefits for seniors. It allows their loved ones to take care of them. It also provides seniors with more independence than they would have in an assisted living facility or nursing home. Seniors choosing to age at home can often find themselves without adequate support. But you don't need to do it alone. There are many resources available to help you stay safe and healthy while aging in place.

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