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Morrowind is the third installment in the Elder Scrolls series. Please refer to the guide on reddiquette before commenting and posting. 25 May 2012 I always thought werecrocodiles we're common in blackmarsh or at least it) and no werecrocodiles in Black Marsh and southern Morrowind. Well, Werecrocodiles are present in the South of Morrowind, not in the South of Vvardenfell. Weresharks, however, could be present in the seas 24 Sep 2011 werevulture, however the only lycanthrope stealthier is the werelion. This mod also requires the newest version of Morrowind Script Extender. It'd be pretty awesome to be a werecrocodile on my argonian, but that Werecrocs are also in Morrowind (anywhere swampy, not related to17 Aug 2013 Inside, you'll find expert hints, cheats, walkthroughs and strategies written by the editors of IGN. We offer the latest guides for the hottest games Werecrocodiles are a type of Lycanthrope on Tamriel. They are known to reside in the provinces of Black Marsh and Morrowind. While in-game sources hold that 12 Dec 2015 This is simple guide as can be, for those wishing to understand and fully appreciate The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind as best i can help, for it is
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