Seeking advice for men's engagement rings that aren't hideous

Hello everyone. Maybe not the typical question you get here, but I'm searching for an engagement ring for myself. We already found one for my girlfriend, but unfortunately the world of men's engagement rings is limited, and what little exists is usually gaudy as hell. They all try so hard to be MANLY that they just become ugly.

While looking at rings for my gf, I came across some designs I liked.

I like the V curve or a similar, but rounded curve. Unfortunately, must of these rings are about 2mm wide or less which would just look ridiculously dainty on my man-hands. But I'd love similar designs for men. Designs that care about elegance and variety and not some weird notion of manliness that completely sacrifices al aesthetic appeal.

Does anyone know if more thoughtful men's ring designs actually exist? I figured etsy was my best bet but haven't had any luck. Maybe this will prove more an exercise in venting than an actually productive question, but I'd really appreciate help if anyone went through similar.

If I can't find anything, I will go with the traditional yellow gold band.

Things I'm not looking for : crazy colored inlays. Wood inlays. Wacky metals. A singular inlayed gemstone. Etc. I don't want something that looks like it's from a sharper image catelogue.

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Hello all! If you can not choose an unusual engagement ring then I can help you with this, here's how I think the ring on the little finger is very elegant looking and emphasizes the beauty of men. Here recently I ordered in a jewelry online store Itshot mens diamond pinky ring, there is a huge variety of pinky rings and even at a low price. I think you will like both the store and the pinky rings.
I think I helped you with your ring selection.

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