Have you encountered QuickBooks Payroll Update Error Code 12152? Some issues in the internet connection settings can result in the occurrence of specific errors in the QuickBooks. QuickBooks Payroll Update Error Code 12152 is one of the errors due to the problem in the internet connection settings.

Causes of QuickBooks Error Code 12152:

1. Quickbooks unable to read or write the license data. 
2. API keys not working properly. 
3. Installation of Quickbooks is not correct. 

How To resolve QuickBooks Payroll Update Error Code 12152:

1. Make sure that the system’s date and time are set correctly. 
2. Check for your internet settings. 
3. Restore the  computer to an early restore point. 
4. Changing the Backup File Extension. 

For better assistance in fixing QuickBooks Payroll Update Error Code 12152, reach out to Quickbooks enterprise support at +1-888-485-0289.

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