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Ok, so you have bought or built your Hydroponic System and you have started the process of growing your plants, veggies, flowers etc. They are all starting to bloom or grow beautifully. What could possibly go wrong now?!!

Sorry to break this to you, but you could at some stage suffer from something so bad it could kill all your hard work 우리카지노 in the blink of an eye...Root Rot!!  The good news is that it can be avoided, so read on to find out what you should or shouldn't be doing to ensure the health and well being of your Hydroponic garden.

If the water to your hydroponic plants is chlorinated, then you may never have to deal with Root Rot. But, if like many other people, you notice that your plants are suffering from one of the following:

Then, brace yourself, you may have plants suffering from the dreaded Root Rot. One thing you need to know right now is that treating the disease is harder than preventing it, as Pythium Root Rot is difficult to control once the rot has begun, so pay attention to what follows.

So let´s begin with what exactly is Root Rot? Pythium or as it is better known, Root Rot is a fungus like organism, that is a commonly encountered problem in Hydroponic gardens or Hydroponic systems and has many different variations.

The three most common, that you should be aware of, are Pythium Irregulare, Pythium Aphanidermatum, and Pythium Ultimum. These variations of Pythium can be found in water sources as well as in soil.

Pythium Aphanidermatum and Pythium Irregulare can cause the most damage in ebb and flow systems. This is because the organisms form a swimming spore stage that can move in water and attack your plants very quickly.

Pythium Ultimum is most closely associated with soil and sand and as growers switch to soilless mixes, this species has became less important and is therefore not as prevalent as the other species of this organism.

The Pythium organism is often found in field soil, sand, pond and stream water and their sediments, and dead roots of previous crops as well as the sediment from these sources.

It can easily be introduced to your plants through dirty gardening tools, dirty pots, carried by pets walking into your growing room and also by the fungus gnat and the shorefly.

How can you prevent your precious hydroponic garden from this potentially fatal problem?

So, if the worse case happens and your system becomes infected with Pythium, what can you do? Well, apart from implementing everything described above, once you are all clear of Root Rot, you can use Biological agents and chemicals to help treat the problem.

Biological agents that can help control this organism include Gliocladium, Trichoderma, Bacillus and Streptomyces.

Common chemicals that can help treat this organism include etridiazole, etridiazole + thiophanate methyl, fosetyl-Al, mefenoxam, metalaxyl and propamocarb.

Remember, after a greenhouse or grow room has been infected all plants will need to be destroyed.  The affected plants cannot be composted because the organism also lives within the roots of the dead plants.

Once this is done, greenhouses and grow rooms will have to be treated chemically to remove any traces of the organism, especially in the areas that any contaminated water has come into contact with.

Dependent on the cause of the problem, you may also want to consider Biological pest control. This is one of the most exciting developments in modern horticulture and it offers a pesticide free future using nature's own weapons to grow his food in an uncontaminated atmosphere and a cleaner, greener world.

Biological pest control involves the introduction of friendly creatures to combat the ones that do the damage. These creatures are known as predators because they feed on the pest at some stage in its life cycle.

This root's name is pronounced "yoo-ka," not "yucca," and is appreciated by nearly half of the world. It's definitely worth trying. If tapioca is a favorite, the yuca root will be, too. The flesh of this root, known as manioc or cassava, is used as a base for this pudding. Yuca is not Yucca, a genus of the bayonet-leaved showy plants of the Agave family.

An excellent source of iron, yuca root provides some niacin and calcium. One-half cup of cooked yuca contains about 40 calories. Eating five daily servings of fruits and vegetables lowers the chances of cancer. A recent study found that eating nine or ten daily servings of fruits and vegetables, combined with three servings of low-fat dairy products, were effective in lowering blood pressure.

You can use yucca in various ways including:

1. Eat Yucca root (Cassava), as if it were a potato. Cook the root into the oven and place the potatoes in the recipes to increase your intake of vitamin C, B and A as well as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron.

2. Use its powder, the pure dry root of yucca contains, by mixing with water, yogurt, smoothies or juice as you protein powder. The powder from its root contains saponins, which are effective as anti-inflammatory agents, muscle spasms, reduce pain, provide relief from arthritis.

3. Its roots' extracts in the form of tablets, joint pain, arthritis, bursitis, colitis, and treatment of osteoporosis. This supplement is also known that you extra energy, too.

4. Cassava Drinking tea, cleanse blood and purify the intestines.

5. Apply the root: Shampoo your hair soft. You can get shampoo of roots of the Yucca from many natural and healthy food or stores Buy online or make shampoo. Its roots were used by Indian tribes for years to get out, hair loss and dandruff, while preventing the hair shiny and beautiful.

6. It acts like a cleanser and food for your joints. It is excellent for those who have had limited mobility due to age. It contains steroidal saponins that promote working as a cleaner and nutrition for joints, so that there is less risk of future damage. Fill your diet with yucca for a healthier and more flexible!

Scientific Names: Yucca spp. Family: Agavaceae

Common Names: Yucca, Manioc, Cassava, Mojave (Mohave) Yucca, Spanish Bayonet, Our Lord's Candle, Joshua Tree, Datil, Adam's-Needle, Mole, Soap Weed, Whipple Plant, or Dagger Plant

Weergaven: 4


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