On May 11, 2007 I suffered a serious accidental injury. Half of my body was seriously burned. Now I know, from experience, that Nietzsche was right when he said: "What doesn't kill you causes you to stronger".

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God designed for Adam and Eve, opt for His Spirit (tree of life) considering source of life and wisdom, rather than their own experience of excellent and situation. Fear, separation, mistrust, blame and a myriad of other emotions and attitudes were now a part of Adam and Eve's time. They scurried to cover themselves, to cover up from existence of Goodness.

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Then, perhaps your father is always gentle, but he has such a temper that they always yells when he gets worry. Then, your uncle may be the kind of person who is obviously angry, no matter what, as well as doesn't seem person to love anybody. Your character can be a very angry person, but one who always tries to achieve nice tasks.

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