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Yes, there are the persecutors of each and every age, and we ought to package using them accordingly. In most civil nations, this is not as intense as it has been in ages previous, when concealment of the Mysteries was a standard practice. Mankind in general had an extremely closed brain to any teachings out of the common, ergo, barbaric means of torture and persecution ensued. There is number dependence on the extreme shielding of the Knowledge Teachings any more, for your head of the individual has been opening frequently in new centuries. lecciones de un curso de milagros

Through investigations, analysis, and discoveries, the growth of Technology has revealed extensive understanding to people who the previous mystics previously realized or presumed. Certain discoveries or insights that have been when considered esoteric or concealed technology has been revealed within our knowledge systems and has become prevalent now, such as for instance specific aspects within the fields of astronomy, science, biology, arithmetic, music, and therefore on.

But, not absolutely all has been revealed as yet. The Ancient Wisdom Teachings in many of their larger features remains used silently by the Initiates and Educators of various mystical schools. Those aspirants who do seek it will discover it. The actual teachings of the Old Wisdom, by their very nature, may split the wheat from the chaff, for only the diligent seekers and enlightened people will be able to comprehend the internal truth, since they are better organized and are far more receptive. Any aspirant who tries shall discover, and when he finds the truth, he shall be set free.

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