In order for a trucker to hit the road, legally, in the United States they must prove they have been adequately trained to drive a truck by passing the commercial driver's license test. To receive a CDL license, classroom instruction is required, but most truckers believe that you really learn the job by driving, not by passing tests or by learning to shift gears in a simulator. Most truck driver school programs only require about 40 hours of in-class training and 120 hours of in-the-field training, so most truckers learn the real rules of the road after they get behind the wheel.

Proper truck driver training is very important Road Test  of the dangers on the road, in the loading dock and beneath the hood.

Did you know?

o Over 600 truckers die every year in highway accidents
o Driving rigs and flatbeds is one of the most dangerous jobs in the U.S.
o 55% of all on-the-road deaths in semis occur because the truck has rolled over

Other common trucking hazards:

Fires - A typical diesel truck has over 100 gallons of gasoline in its tank. This can result in disastrous hot-burning fires if the truck is in an accident or has not undergone proper maintenance.

Downhill braking - On a steep grade, if you make an error while braking or the truck hasn't had proper air brake maintenance, the driver could be putting both him/herself and fellow drivers in a hazardous position.

Jackknifing - This occurs when the drive axels on a truck lock up, forcing the vehicle to fold like a pocket knife. This can cause the truck to skid and then spin around which can be very hazardous or even deadly to both the driver and other vehicles on the road.

Hazardous materials - Truckers with dangerous cargo run the risk of spilling and exposing other drivers or residents of the area to dangerous chemicals or gasses.

Given the tremendous amount of danger that exists behind the wheel of a commercial truck, it is very important that truckers are adequately trained for both their own safety and that of others. There is no better teacher than the road, but entering into a career with a large knowledge base and professional training can mean the difference between life and death. It is also important for truck drivers to continue to educate themselves on proper vehicle safety throughout their careers to keep up with changes in vehn the United States, specifically located in Phoenix, Arizona and North Las Vegas, Nevada.

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