Risk-free Full Cycle Digital Marketing During a Recession

When recession grips US, it naturally worries all the businesses depending mainly on US consumers and economy. The recession 1.0 or the dot-com bubble did not really impact most of the "global" companies, as they were either non-existent then or was in their early stages with no dependence on US. This may be the first time a majority of companies are facing such a situation, head-on. Are they prepared for recession 2.0?

Opportunity or threat

It's tougher to take the customer through the sales funnel from awareness to a buying decision during a recession. So when there is a slowdown, the top-line and bottom-line are both pressured. As sneak a peek at this web-site operations cannot suffer and it is easier to cut advertisements than people, the ad budget takes the first and major jolt. Traditionally and unfortunately, the weaker and short sighted companies start the downward spiral during and after recessions. On the other hand, a quick look at the popular brands today reveals that they all got stronger during one or two recession periods.

Instead of cutting down the investments on advertisement and marketing, companies should eliminate the risks as much as possible. Any investment that delivers measurable results and outsourcing the risks is the way to go. Traditional advertisement and marketing mediums like T.V, newspapers, radio and trade shows etc. are almost immeasurable, costly, does not guarantee you return on investment (ROI) and is not the best for a cash crunch period. Companies should revisit their strategy to remarket to existing customers, generate reasons for word of mouth publicity and find and advertise in emerging and cheap mediums.

Outsource your marketing and advertisement risks.

The traditional way of agency commissions and monthly retainer fees leaves the whole risk with the company. The agency either wants to spend more to get more on commissions or else they want to keep on advertising for longer periods. The most risk free model today is cost per acquisition (CPA) or in simple terms pay for results or pay for performance. When the risk of advertisement lies with both the parties, the company de-risk itself to a great extent. By paying only for the resulting sales, you get brand equity improvement, unbiased third party opinions, market research, brand recall and overall business improvement, for free. This also helps free up existing staff for improvement in operations, support, marketing, cross selling and all other core parameters which need attention. Finding an agency with CPA or PFR eliminates the risk of advertisement, considerably.

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