Method for producing a vacuum between two glass sheets and insulating glazing

The bits of inorganic holding compound can be saved by a device known to an individual skilled in the craftsmanship, making it possible to shape spots with a width of the deals for 0.5 mm and with a thickness of a different microns and to sort out them precisely with a standard pitch. Such a pitch particularly allows different spots lying usefully some spot in the degree of 600 and 1500 for each square meter, and preferably undefined from 1000 for each square meter.The bits of inorganic holding compound can be saved by a device known to an individual skilled in the craftsmanship, making it possible to shape spots with a width of the deals for 0.5 mm and with a thickness of a different microns and to sort out them precisely with a standard pitch. Such a pitch particularly allows different spots lying usefully some spot in the degree of 600 and 1500 for each square meter, and preferably undefined from 1000 for each square meter.

For inclination, the draw contraption gets and sends the spacers really coordinated on a plate and stores them on the spots of inorganic compound by completing the attractions and possibly by blowing.

The spacers according to the creation profitably have a practically identical face, bi-diminished backhanded shape. Such a shape makes it possible to put all the spacers on a plate comparably coordinated, for example by making the plate vibrate; this happens considering the way that the extending a piece of the spacers will in ordinary invite them on to one of similar faces. Also, the really depicted shape related with the draw contraption licenses exceptional comprehension of the spacers and positive explanation thereof, one of the level appearances ensuring unfathomable steadiness, including preceding completing the holding finish.
Such spacers profitably have a distance between similar abilities of a couple of spot in the degree of 0.1 and 0.3 millimeter and an evaluation, in the region of the developing part, of under 0.5 millimeters.

As demonstrated by a second epitome of the system as shown by the turn of events, the holding of the spacers is finished by keeping the spacers outwardly layer of a sheet of glass, expressed spacers somewhat early being covered, over the area coming into contact with the glass, with the inorganic holding compound.

For tendency, the spacers are sent by a draw contraption which, during transport, lowers the significant district of the spacers with a making of the inorganic holding compound, then, they are kept on the glass, having proactively been covered with the inorganic holding compound on the best region.

Concerning the fixing stage, during which the holding of the spacers is simultaneously finished, the technique as shown by the progression highly makes methodology to apply strain between the two sheets of glass. Such strain ensures that the fixing joint is brought to a comparable level as the spacers. This happens considering the way that the fixing joint is at first kept with a thickness more unmistakable than that of the spacers and is thus returned to the best thickness by pounding.

Concerning the stopping of the opening gave in the thickness of one of the sheets of glass to shape the vacuum, the creation obliges the association with be held close to the opening to permit the air to go through, and which can be connected to the glass. Such a fitting is particularly conveyed from glass or metal. The connection between the fitting and the sheet of glass is irrefutably gotten by inorganic welding, for instance, an outside or sintered glass, the smooth spot of which isn't precisely that of the glass and of the association. Check out aluminium windows.

As shown by a leaned toward embodiment, before the vacuum-forming stage, a ring of silver-based clean is dealt with around the opening, and following to getting done, the ring is tinned in choice somewhat welded to a tinned inorganic plate. Completing of the silver satisfaction is valuably finished either meanwhile with that of the holding shimmer, or during a warm solidifying stage if such a stage is finished.

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