Maybe all we want is a ... cake. ... a new way of thinking. romanian author Adrian Dumitru

I was looking at her ... and couldn't believe it ... how she was playing with the minds of all the men from the stage of her life.

She ... manipulated them.

... totally dominating their souls.

And ... she adored those games, inducing them the illusion that she can be ... available.

The funny thing ... was that her lover was near her ... while i was analysing all those games she was doing.

I saw them ... many times at the coffee shop.

I was analysing her ... and could not believe that she was daring to do that right in front of him.

I knew many women ... doing such games ... playing the role of an easy woman ... but not in front of the lover.

All was done ... behind their back.

But this lady ... was atypically.

So .... I've continued to analyse her.

There were moments when I was shocked ... cause all those men with who she was playing ... losing their minds ... came to a point when they even totally ignored the presence of the lover.


But ... my weird question was ... why the hell she was doing that?!

What was her real purpose?!

Did she needed all those men?!

Why she acted like such an easy woman right in front of her lover?!

And more i was analysing ... penetrating her soul ... i felt that she simply adored to taste ... masculine energies.

She liked that so, so much that nothing could stop her.

... not even that the lover saw ... all.

She was acting .... like someone going into the cafeteria ... and tasting whatever cake she wanted to taste ... even if the doctor told her that she is not allowed anymore to eat cakes.

It looked like a nonsense.


But ... a real case scenario.

I've saw it with my eyes ... and not only one time.

.... many, many times.

Unfortunately ... i was also observing his sadness.

I wanted many times to ask him ... "Why the hell are you wasting your life with this easy woman?!

I don't know if you know ... but she's not the last woman from this planet."

But ... i haven't dared to ask.

It was obvious that ... he loved her.

So .... he was just enduring all her stupid needs of tasting .... masculine energies.

The dynamic of all ... was ridiculous.

Most certainly ... she was not aware of the price she will


pay ... mocking their beautiful connection.

One year later ... all was different.

He was charged.

... more detached.


Most certainly ... having enough of all her stupid games ... he disconnected from the love he was carrying into his soul.

Already realised ... it was all useless.

And ... that he was just into the wrong relationship .... with the wrong woman.


So .... there was a reply from his side too ... even if it came so, so late.

Into the end ... most probably .... they paid a huge price ... all looking to me ... as the prelude of the end.

And that happened ... only and only because of her need of tasting ... other men ... even if she already had a nice one ... and a beautiful relationship.


Download the book ”INSERT COIN

...and the Universe will give whatever you dream about.
The real philosophy beyond motivation” written by the author writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.



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