Monster Hunter World is a very famous video game series that lets you hunt with up to three of your fellows. But the confusion among the gamers “Is Monster Hunter World Cross-Platform? Is there any crossplay support in this game? and Can you play MHW with your friends on different platforms?” Today, we are going to answer these questions and try to clear your confusion.

The opportunity to attack monsters with up to three other companions is a hallmark of the Monster Hunter games. When we talk about the Monster Hunter World and its Iceborne addition, none of that has altered.

Apart from Monster Hunter adventures on mobile and 3DS, every Monster Hunter game that has been released globally is on a single platform. Monster Hunter World, which was released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC, transformed things. As a result, players began to wonder whether there will be any crossplay across systems.

Is Monster Hunter World Cross-Platform?

The sad news is that Monster Hunter World lacks any sort of crossplay functionality. If gamers want to play with their friends, they have to remain on their chosen platform and it should be the same for all the friends. The next question, although, is whether or not cross-save exists.

If players are unable to play with each other on separate platforms, they may be able to transfer their character through one platform to another unless they possess multiple copies of the game. That, of course, isn’t a viable choice. Players can only play with buddies having the same platform as them in each way.

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