Are you in need of a personal budget? Well, join the crowd because many people today could use a little help in that area. Here are a few free personal budgeting tips that may be able to help you out.

Debt - Are you paying impossibly high interest charges on your credit card purchases, student, auto, or any other form of person loan? If so, you are wasting a ton of money. Look into arrangements that allow you to consolidate all your debts into one. Usually doing this results in lesser interest Budgeting Tips charges and smaller payments. The interest you pay may even be tax deductible-if you are getting a home equity loan that is.

Tip number two: Sit down and create a budget for yourself. The trick here is to include in your budget sum extra money for things like having fun as well as an emergency fund. Often times when we think budget we look at only the bills we have to pay. When that happens budgeting becomes a burn out. You should only budget about 75% of your monthly income. Save the rest for all the times you want to get something or go out to eat. That way the budget is not so hard on you that you end up getting depressed or break the plan. The added advantage of only budgeting 75% is that you can feel good about yourself when you realize you have extra money in the bank still.

If you add all those 5 or 10 percent discounts that you get to save every time you buy something, you would be very happy to see how much you have saved over the year.

Arm them with your list and have them shop for the items, then they can let you know when they are done (Read a book or something in the car while they shop). Then you can go into the store and pay for the food and if they make wrong selections you can tell them to go back for the right ones. This will help them to understand how expensive food is as well and make them more sensitive to waste.

B. Don't forget to factor in other moving company costs as well. Make sure you read the small print so that you don't find you're paying for something you didn't know about.

3)Credit Cards: NO! - While I believe in using debt to buy a house, I do not endorse the use of credit for most other purposes. If you can't pay off those bills on a monthly basis, don't charge it! Credit card debt will kill your long-term financing, will create a bigger and bigger financial burden, and will put stack some cash more pressure on your marriage relationship.

This goes along with the "keep it simple" theory. Spend less than you make. Sounds simple. But this is what trips up many people with and without budgets. But get this one tip right and you can guarantee that you will stay out of debt. Accurately track how much income is coming in on your budget. Then accurately calculate how much you will spend. If your spending is more than what you bring in, then readjust the budget so that your expenses are lower. And commit to not buying anything beyond what is on the budget. If you don't have the money, which means you don't have the cash, you cannot afford it!

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