How to Get an Apostille for Your FBI Background Check

As globalization increases, more individuals find themselves needing an FBI background check to work, live, or study in foreign countries. However, to make this document valid internationally, an eapostille is often required. This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining an apostille for your FBI background check, ensuring that your documentation is recognized and accepted abroad.

What Is an FBI Background Check?

An FBI background check, officially called an Identity History Summary, is a document that provides a comprehensive record of an individual’s criminal history based on fingerprints submitted to the FBI. It is a crucial document for anyone planning to engage in professional or personal activities abroad that require proof of a clean criminal record.

Why You Need an Apostille for Your FBI Background Check

An apostille is a form of certification that verifies the authenticity of a document for use in countries that are part of the Hague Apostille Convention. This international treaty simplifies the legalization of documents across member countries by eliminating the need for additional authentication, such as embassy or consulate legalization.

If you’re applying for a visa, residency, or employment in a country that recognizes the apostille, your FBI background check must be apostilled to be accepted by foreign authorities. Without an apostille, your document may be considered invalid, which could delay your application process.

Steps to Obtain an Apostille for an FBI Background Check

  1. Request Your FBI Background Check:

    • Start by submitting a request for your FBI background check. This can be done directly through the FBI’s official website or via an FBI-approved channeler. You will need to provide fingerprints, which can be done electronically or on a fingerprint card.
    • Once your request is processed, you will receive your FBI background check report. Be sure to review it for accuracy.
  2. Verify Requirements for Apostille:

    • Before proceeding, confirm that the country you are dealing with requires an apostille. Some countries may have additional or alternative requirements for document authentication. It's important to check these details in advance.
  3. Submit Your Background Check for Apostille:

    • Once you have your FBI background check in hand, you will need to submit it to the U.S. Department of State for apostille certification. This can be done by mailing your document to the Office of Authentications, along with a completed Request for Authentication Services Form (DS-4194) and the required fee.
    • Be sure to include a prepaid self-addressed envelope for the return of your apostilled document.
  4. Receive Your Apostilled Document:

    • After processing, your FBI background check will be returned with the apostille attached. This certified document is now ready for use in foreign countries that are part of the Hague Apostille Convention.

How Long Does the Process Take?

The timeline for receiving an apostille on your FBI background check can vary. Generally, you should expect the process to take several weeks. However, the timeline can be influenced by factors such as current processing times at the U.S. Department of State and the method you used to obtain your background check.

If you’re on a tight schedule, it’s advisable to start the process as early as possible. Additionally, you may want to consider using an expedited apostille service to speed up the process.

Expedited Apostille Services

For those who need their apostille quickly or want to avoid the hassle of managing the process themselves, using a professional apostille service can be a good option. These services are experienced in handling document authentication and can often provide faster turnaround times. They will manage the submission and follow-up for you, ensuring that your FBI background check is apostilled and returned in a timely manner.

Common Challenges and How to Avoid Them

  1. Delays Due to Errors: Double-check all forms and submissions to ensure accuracy. Mistakes in your request can lead to delays in processing.
  2. Misunderstanding Country-Specific Requirements: Each country may have different rules and regulations regarding document authentication. Always verify the specific requirements of the country where your document will be used.
  3. Not Allowing Enough Time: The apostille process can be time-consuming. Start early to avoid missing important deadlines.


Obtaining an apostille for your FBI background check is an essential step in ensuring your document is recognized internationally. By following the outlined steps and planning ahead, you can streamline the process and avoid unnecessary delays.

For those who prefer a more hands-off approach, professional apostille services can handle the complexities for you, ensuring that your documentation is properly authenticated and ready for use abroad.

Whether you’re planning to work, study, or live overseas, having your FBI BACKGROUND CHECK apostille is a key part of your preparation. With the right information and resources, you can navigate this process smoothly and confidently.

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