Discovering the Secrets of Self Hypnosis

Sometimes, it seems as if you cannot solve a problem. You try and try repeatedly to lose weight or stop smoking. You may succeed for a little bit but always the cravings return. Soon you find yourself back smoking or overeating. You feel discouraged and are beginning to think nothing can help you change.

You are wrong. When the traditional fail, self hypnosis will prevail. It will help you help yourself. It allows you to truly take control of your life and live it the way it should be.

Self Hypnosis - What it is and What it is not

Self hypnosis is not magic. It is not mumbo jumbo, or hocus pocus. It is alsoHypnotisør kursus not stage hypnosis. Stage hypnosis requires an "other." You are the "other" in self hypnosis. Stage hypnosis requires a performance space and an audience. Self hypnosis is done by you at home in quiet and solitude in a secure setting.

Yet the major difference between the 2 types of hypnosis is purpose. While the techniques may be the same - although stage hypnosis may rely on misdirection, illusion and deceit, the purpose is the same. Stage hypnosis is pure entertainment. It is also a display of the showmanship of the individual hypnotist or magician. Self hypnosis, on the other hand, is all about you. It is about helping you obtain a personal goal, of helping you take control of and responsibility of your own life and future.

How does it Help You?

The purpose of self hypnosis is to help you retrain your subconscious mind to accept your goals and dreams. In doing so, you release the shackles of what is trapped within the subconscious. It frees you from the inner sabotage, allowing you to pursue your goals. This could be to stop smoking or overeating. It could be a desire to improve your self-image or to end your procrastinating ways.

Self hypnosis, through visualization and repeated suggestions gives you access to the subconscious. In doing so, it guides you in retraining it, slowly, suggesting positive changes that will ultimately become part of your ever day life. Through sifting through the subconscious and altering its opinion, you gradually gain control of various unwanted aspects of your life. You remove what has been preventing you from moving on, replacing it with positive and active concepts and goals. You replace the old reality with a new, improved and desired one. You take control of your life as you want to live it.

The process does require time, energy and commitment to your stated goals. It means you need to work on a regular basis towards these goals. Self hypnosis is a tool. It is a guide. It helps you find the problem and provides you with the means to solve it. It does not do the work for you. While relatively easy to learn, it is nevertheless your responsibility to apply it effectively and regularly.

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