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Do you need prescription for diabetic test strips? You don't need a prescription to purchase glucometers, test strips or lancets; you can buy them over the counter. But because the long-term costs of these supplies can be high, many insurance plans cover the meters and test strips.
Can you reverse diabetes with weight loss? Losing weight can reverse type 2 diabetes, but is rarely achieved or recorded. Type 2 diabetes is generally perceived as progressive and incurable, but for many patients it can be reversed with sustained weight loss of around 15 kg, say experts in The BMJ today.
Why is my blood sugar high before bed? Some scientists believe that there is another cause of high blood sugar in the morning: the Somogyi effect, or rebound hyperglycemia. Too much insulin or not enough food before bed : During the night, a person's blood sugar level may drop too low. The body responds by releasing hormones to raise this level.
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