7 Simple Secrets to Totally Rocking Your eye exercises


Although astigmatism is sometimes inherited, most cases seem to be the result of a bad posture. The reason is that the visual system helps to maintain our sense of balance by scanning the world around us for horizontal features. When the head is tilted, the extraocular muscles pull unequally, causing the eyeball and cornea to become distorted.

To improve astigmatism, find out which way your head usually tilts. Look in a mirror or ask a friend. Then cultivate the habit of tilting your head the other way. Write a note to yourself to tilt your head. Put it in strategic locations at home, at work, and in your car. Do extra Clocking and Rolling to encourage the muscles to change their configuration, so vision improves naturally?

v DEGENERATIVE EYE DISEASES. The fluids inside the eye circulate as a result of the ciliary muscle expanding and contracting as it changes focus and as a result of the iris muscle expanding and contracting in response to the incoming light. A major problem arises when we grow older and develop presbyopia. Like all other body tissues, the eye’s tissues decline with age. The lens loses its flexibility, the ciliary and iris muscles become less responsive and lose their power, the nutrient flow decreases, waste products are not properly expelled, and the eye becomes stiff, sluggish, and unhealthy.

Although the aging process can’t be avoided, a lot can be done to naturally with , just like many older people do physical exercises to stay in shape and reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. In addition to doing , you should eat plenty of fruit and vegetables and take a high-quality supplement for the eyes.

Find out more about the Power Vision Program from https://better-vision.org

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