15 Undeniable Reasons to Love 우리카지노

Some things are so familiar to us that we ended up knowing very little about them. An example is the symbolism behind the three things that we see almost everyday - of the sun, the moon, and the stars. This thought came to me when I noticed a beautiful young girl with a lovely anklet that had small suns, moons and stars dangling from it. That was when I started thinking about them...a little deeper.

It is generally accepted that the sun represents man, the moon representing the woman, and the star, many say, represents hope. Many pagan civilizations took the sun as representing a god and the moon a goddess, and when the two are together, a divine balance. The sun also represents happiness and spirituality. Many meanings are attributed to the sun. They include like energy, warmth, vitality, spirit, power, rejuvenation, growth, enlightenment, strength, masculinity, and even God. As the sun is definitely the sustainer of life as nothing can live without it, it also serves as a symbol of sustenance of one's vibrancy. The sun also stands for the male 'yang' attribute.

The moon, on the other hand, which illuminates the night sky, has been taken as representing life, death, and rebirth due to its shifting phases. Like with the sun, many meanings are also attributed to the moon. They include like femininity, serenity, intuition, passivity, influence, subtlety, deepness, mystery, romanticism, and one's lover. The moon stands as the female 'yin' attribute. Because of the moon's influence over the tides, it is also associated with water. There are also special meanings for the crescent moon. It is said to represent new beginnings and rebirth. To the Persians it represents power and authority.

The star symbolizes honor, achievement and hope. It also represents 'direction'. The reason behind this is evident from the Christmas Story and from those who use it for navigation like the sailors. The five-pointed star has a magical connotation. The six-pointed star which is known as the Star of David represents man's bond with God. Overall, stars may symbolize many things like divinity, hope, guidance, direction, honor, achievement, and even magic.

So looking back at the lovely anklet on the young girl, it may mean a lot of things. Or it may simply represent her lover, herself, and the hope they have kept for their future.

We all love the sun but it can cause an annoyance when curtains carpets and furnishings get damaged by the sun's rays.

Rooms can quickly rise to an uncomfortable temperature making some room impossible to use during the hotter days of the year. This can cause a real problem for windows that are over exposed to the sun and often the only remedy is to close the curtains or pull down a blind blocking out the outside world.

There is now a solution to these problems - the external Sun Screen.

Sun Screens are mounted on the outside of your window. They are a full retractable vertical blind that when down will reflect most of the sun's rays before they hit the glass. The result is that room temperature is instantly reduced.

The fabric used is a special type of fabric that is specifically designed to reflect away a large percentage of the sun's rays. This stops furnishings getting damaged as well as stopping glare. More importantly the heat is cut significantly.

The special type of fabric is perforated, still allowing a lot of light to come through. You can even see what is going on outside through the Screen.

Making use of 우리카지노 new automated technology, your Screen can keep your home cool and protected even when you are not home thanks to a sun and wind sensor. Quite simply, the sun sensor will lower your blinds when the sun reaches a specific threshold set by you and will retract when the sun goes down. The wind sensor protects the blind against excessive wind, retracting the Screen back into it's housing.

With remote control operation it has never been easier to keep your home cool. At the press of a single button you can lower one, two or as many Sun Screens as choose keeping you home cool, comfortable and protected.

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