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A ball screw is a mechanical device on which the ball can exercise between the nut and the screw. Besides, it can translate the rotational motion to linear motion with little friction. It has many characteristics such as high precision, long life, and low pollution. Moreover, it can reverse the drive at high speed. Due to its specific features, ball screw is becoming one of the important components used in the precision machinery industries, positioning and measurement systems.

The application of it does not have a very long history. Traditional screw was very poor in positioning and was quite easy to be damaged. Not until 1898 that people first tried to put the steel ball between nut and screw to replace the sliding friction with the rotational friction so as to improve the bad position. In 1949, a ball screw device was placed in the car and it became a great revolution in the application of the ball screw. Gradually, the traditional screw (ACME) was replaced. And in recent years, it becomes one of the components that are widely used in the industries.

Originally, only the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, Japan and other advanced industrial countries can produce these products with a large quantity. Since 1982, He Feng Precision Company had set up factories to manufacture this product. And with the quick development, the research and development ability of ball screws can compete with advanced industrial countries.

These products are mainly formed by screw, nut, ball, holder, wipers, and the return tube. The ball assembly acts as the nut while the threaded shaft is the screw. Due to their different circulatory systems, they can be divided into different kinds such as ball screws with outside circular and internal circulation, etc.

This mechanical component has a wide range of usage. It can be widely used in industrial machinery such as precision machine tools, industrial machinery, electronic machinery, and transport machinery, etc. Ball screws are used in aircraft and missiles to move control surfaces, especially for electric fly by wire. They are also used in machine tools, robots and precision assembly equipment. In addition to the above applications, it can also be applied in the drive of the computer disk drive starter, the adjustment of the aircraft wings, and medical X-ray examination. All in all, it plays a rather important part in the development of different industries. And it is quite necessary to learn something about this mechanical device.

Ball handling Drill: "Hot potato"

Without a solid foundation of ball handling players will be easy prey to a solid defensive team. This drill is meant to help players control and develop their ball handling skills. In this drill players will be constantly moving or passing the ball from one hand to the other. The drill is simple and starts by having the player pass the ball around their head, torso, arms, knees, and even between their feet from one hand to another in constant motion.

Coaches can mix up the drill by shouting out body parts that the players will have to start circling with the football; they can also reverse the direction that the ball is traveling by calling, "reverse". This change of motion will keep players from falling asleep, and ensure that you are developing handling skills and not just muscle memory.

At the very end of the drill the players will do several simple drops. This means that the player will drop the football and retrieve it again quickly. It will also help to change the hand that the player's uses to pick up the ball to ensure both hands are learning this technique.

Running with the Ball: The Gauntlet Drill

There is nothing more important for offense to learn great ball security. Quarterbacks, running backs, and wide receivers should work on this skill constantly. A great drill called the gauntlet practices ball security. The drill starts with a player protecting the ball as best as he can while running through several opponents. Each of the defenders can line up in any way making the ball carrier run any sort of patterns with the ball, the point is to pose a challenge to hold onto the ball. Make sure to take the drill slow at first, and to also have the ball carrier hold the ball in several differing positions.

Learning the Plays from the Playbook

Practicing the plays is fun, and also very important. When you master your part of the play it will strengthen your team and yourself. Because football plays can be intricate, it is important that you understand and follow the coach's instructions. A lot of habits can form in the first couple of practice plays, for this sake it is a good idea to take them slow at 코인카지노 the start. Practice is a great time to get some extra help, so if you are struggling with a certain play remember that your coaches are there to help you master the techniques. Always, always ask for the help that you need. The last helpful hint that we want you to learn is the power of visualization. Go over the plays in your mind, over and over again. Make your mind work them out and your muscles memorize them even when you sleep

Low Ball Catching Techniques

Good receivers and even running backs know how to make the great plays. Execution on a football field starts with practice. One situation that happens a lot in a game is catching the low passes. One not so perfect scenario is a low passed catch. First keep the pinkies together down low to make a shovel. This ensures that the ball will not slip through your fingers. Second, keep your knees bent low and in extreme cases you should be flat on the ground or diving. Second, bend your knees and get low. Use your hands and not your body. Never use your body to catch a football. Catch it first and then worry about running it.

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