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El estudio aparece en la edicin en lnea del 1 de agosto de la revista Nature Genetics.

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Pharmacists having a difficult time trying to persuade adults to be vaccinated against influenza might be interested in the results of The report in The New England Journal of Medicine estimates that the risk of heart attack jumps up sixfold within the week after detection of laboratoryconfirmed influenza infection.

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Journal of Applied School Psychology, vol.

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These results suggest hepatitis C infection may interact with diabetes to boost the odds a person will develop liver cancer, the Houston group concluded.

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The study was funded by NeuroVista, the Seattlebased company developing the technology. Several of Cooks coresearchers work for the company.

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Writing in the February issue of the journal PLoS Medicine, the Israeli team said that the use of stem cell therapy should continue but that the incident points to the need for caution.

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