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How long does imiquimod take to work? Imiquimod cream should be left on the skin for approximately 8 hours. Continue using imiquimod cream for a full 16 weeks, even if all the actinic keratoses are gone, unless you are told otherwise by your doctor.
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What is basal cell carcinoma on nose? Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer, and it frequently occurs on the nose. This picture shows a hard, well-defined basal cell carcinoma that is not causing any symptoms. The tumor has a pearly appearance, and telangiectasia (spider veins) are visible on the surface.
What is the main cause of skin cancer? Sun exposure Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun is the main cause of most skin cancers. UV light damages the DNA (genetic material) in our skin cells and can cause skin cancer.

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