'We couldn’t afford fertility treatment so we risked finding a sperm donor on Facebook'

She joined several groups on Facebook, using a fake name so her family and friends wouldn't find out what she was doing, and found a potential donor.

Once he had provided her with his medical and family history, and sexually transmitted infection checks, she arranged to meet him in a car park near his home, miles from where they lived.

"It sounds really not very ideal," says Chloe. "He would prepare the sample, meet up, hand it over. And then I would go in the toilet and do what I needed to do."

Chloe's husband came along to make sure she was safe, but waited in the car. They did this six times. Chloe did get pregnant once, but she miscarried.

On every occasion they paid their donor £50 for the sperm and £10 for travel expenses.






Regulated clinics compensate donors for their travel expenses up to a maximum of £35, but it is illegal for them to pay donors for their sperm, according to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA), the UK's fertility regulator.

When an individual rather than a business provides what the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 refers to as "non-medical fertility services" the rules are less clear, according to the HFEA. A person who sells sperm for £50 a time may or may not be considered a business under the law. No court cases have yet been brought that would test this, the HFEA says.

You can hear Dr Faye Kirkland's report on Woman's Hour at 10:00 on Friday 26 February on Radio 4
Or catch up later online
When the pandemic hit and travel restrictions made it more difficult to meet up, Chloe and her husband found a different donor, again via Facebook.


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